My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 07:11 It’s way too damned early to be getting up and ready for a stranger to create pain in my mouth. #
  • 10:32 Mmmm! Teeth feel SO good now; only painful part of dentist visit was our joint estimate for work needed. Thousands ‘o dollars. #
  • 16:39 Sitting in our chatroom (alone), watching 80’s vids to fave songs. Video for Rio is HILARIOUS! #
  • 17:36 Clive Owen suggests throwing shit & gruel in ugly prostitute’s face: #
  • 17:58 Reading Matisse’s "Whore on Christmas" piece in The Stranger: #
  • 18:26 Brain is killing me from lack of sleep, dental manipulation, toxins released by massage, and hunger. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:46 Need more sleep. #
  • 13:35 Arguing w/my sister, feeling upset/hurt/guilty. #
  • 20:40 Totally consumed with delight by our nephew . . . and completely incapable of doing anything besides take care of him. #
  • 23:59 Exhausted and nervous about appointment with dentist in the too-early morning tomorrow. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 11:06 Need to eat bfast & start cleaning house for family visiting. Reading very different comments on loogie vid vs. pro sex work post. Funny. #
  • 11:24 Awwww, Bonnie Ruberg recs me in the VV as a ho, ho, ho gift! Sweet! #
  • 11:46 Deer in our hood are so out of pocket; bitches didn’t move until I was 5 feet away from them! Finally trotted away. Duuuuuuuumb. #
  • 13:06 The BS I read today from "feminists" & hypercritical sex workers re: Diablo Cody make me want to TEAR OUT THEIR HAIR. Don’t hate; celebrate! #
  • 18:44 1.5 yr old nephew HORRIFIED by hula hooping. Claps hand over mouth as though seeing you mauled by savage lion. Stamps/waves hands 4 stop! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:11 I eventually puked up red vine tinted barf & mostly-digested popcorn last night. I felt SO much better afterwards. Twitter ate my real post. #
  • 14:38 Damn: taking too long to see Marcia Cross naked. Blog post in progress re: Intl Day 2 End Violence Against Sex Workers. Prepping for massage #
  • 16:27 Yes! Our purpose in life: to experience pleasure. All my body’s questions answered by receiving massage. Bodywork always worth every penny. #
  • 20:39 Just had a long talk with my sister about the many ways our mom is crazy. #
  • 22:18 My long-ass End Violence Against Sex Workers post keeps getting LONGER (and crazier?): #
  • 22:34 Posted more edits and additions to End Violence Against Sex Workers post: #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:19 Forgot to set my sleep timer/note time last night so I’m not sure I got enough zzzz’s. Trying to remember crazy-ass dreams I had last night. #
  • 10:40 I need to stop watching Stevie & Lindsey in this vid; too intense: #
  • 12:15 Frenetically multitasking (updating members-only chat welcome message, blogging, video editing, bookmarking, scheduling chats, etc.) #
  • 13:13 1st time I’ve noticed all the pro-ana/mia stuff on youtube. Fucked up, but interesting anyway. "Thinspo" vids? Can’t help watching. #
  • 13:31 What’s wetter than a fart & twice as delicious? See my latest youtube clip: #
  • 15:45 Just enjoyed a really groovy fuck, two orgasms, and now we’re going to go see No Country for Old Men. Yay! #
  • 18:58 Really enjoyed No Country for Old Men – reminded me most of Blood Simple, but gloomier, deeper and more masculine. #
  • 19:13 Trying to figure out a cool & casual way to brag to random strangers that . . . oh nevermind. There’s no cool or casual way. #
  • 20:04 I don’t know what I want to do right now, but it has something to do with nothing at all. #
  • 20:40 I feel a little like barfing. Going to have some broth and tv. My head is a little achey too. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 11:02 Yay! Dreamt about bad guy trying to tase me in a courtroom after I produced damning evidence against him. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzap! #
  • 11:47 Watching music vids on youtube. If Bruce doesn’t make you cream your panties, nothing will: #
  • 14:34 People I’ve fucked, liked & loved who make my heart THRILL: #
  • 16:07 Reading a thrilling feminist whore rant from Belle & not understanding half of it: #
  • 20:09 Wishing I could afford to buy tickets as a Christmas present for my whole family to go see kd lang for my birthday in March. #
  • 21:19 Narcissism = me contentedly watching vids of my archived webcam shows for almost an hour. Hi, sexy self! Nice rack! You’re so cute & funny! #
  • 23:22 Posting a very strange video for members tonight. Have to record a warning video to accompany it so people won’t be caught off guard. #
  • 23:54 Talking to my wanker about Hugh Grant’s cock and Merchant Ivory productions we’ve masturbated to. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:24 Yawn. Time to gear up for my day ‘o shows. Many delicious & convenient breakfast options in our house this morning. #
  • 15:40 1st show today: many "keepers" in chat so I enjoyed myself. 1 O w/g-spot vibe not enough so using same for 2nd show coming in 20 minutes. #
  • 17:10 Sometimes cheap g-spot vibes are THE WAY TO GO. Went *crazy* on my cunt for best build-up and releases in . . . 7 days at least! #
  • 17:22 Beautiful girl, bad boob job: And what’s up with that same AHH face over & over? #
  • 19:01 Now that I have a few silver hairs, I wonder how long it will take to go completely silver? I am looking forward to it, if it ever happens. #
  • 19:19 My girlfriend is hotter than your girlfriend! (about to shoot Delia & in awe of how LOVELY she is and looks) #
  • 20:32 Uber horny after shooting Delia shooting in satin. It can’t be healthy for me to feel this swollen. #
  • 22:01 I’m damn well sick and tired of some of our cams going down OVER and OVER again. Fark! News Flash now, anyway. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:15 It’s totally, like, morning & stuff! I’m hungry and slightly dizzy. Need to check my engine’s vital fluids. #
  • 11:35 Paying bills, carefully balancing checkbook & budget, searching for new CC to activate otherwise won’t let me pay bill online. Ugh. #
  • 14:37 Just filled out application for health insurance. We’ll see what happens . . . #
  • 15:04 Calling around to find out how much this pregnancy and baby stuff is going to cost. They should have a menu. #
  • 16:34 Had a late lunch of chili and Northern Exposure. Getting cold & dark. Bulb out blew in WebWhoreHQ so darker still. #
  • 16:34 Bulb out blew? Hahahaha! #
  • 18:05 Talked to my sister while I took a bath. Put on lotion, long socks & soft tops. Enjoying leather candlelight/warmth/scent. Feeling sedate. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:30 Just woke up — it’s snowing: little tiny flakes. #
  • 10:26 Gallery I’m posting for members today accentuates stretch marks galore. Not on purpose, it just IS. #
  • 12:23 Uploading members-only vlog and sitting in members-only chatroom. Alone. #
  • 12:38 Yay — update posted & one of my fave members in chat! #
  • 13:23 Tis lunchtime — Italian Wedding Soup (don’t get Campbell’s healthy request – not nearly as yummy). #
  • 16:12 Going to do some DDR and stretching for exercise. Need to really get my shit together physically. #
  • 18:05 Had some shrimpy couscous & salad for dinner while starting to get caught up on Dirty Sexy Money. Brewing some tea now to go with cookies. #
  • 21:28 In the spirit of Christmas & whoriness I’ve been updating my wishlists & this blog: #
  • 22:43 How is it that I’ve never heard of decidual bleeding until today? How is it that I’d never heard of implantation bleeding until this year? #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 07:57 Another early morning, another negative fucking pee test. I’m going back to bed. Don’t wake me up until I’ve got the positive hormones. #
  • 12:32 A little blog post about women in music I admire: #
  • 13:32 My period started. I feel like a fucking failure. With an overactive imagination. Feel like I’m being punished for being an asshole. #
  • 15:15 A period post: #
  • 15:59 My body feels warm, heavy and amazing – hot, damp & bloody between the legs. Going to edit some photos for my update today. #
  • 16:41 Best sarcastic compliment I’ve ever gotten during a camshow: #
  • 18:49 Feeiling cozily sluggish, but we’re doing some housework to get energized. Going to try to do some stretching afterwards/before bed. #
  • 20:19 Just got off phone with wanker; he alerted me to the fight about to start. If I had money to blow, I might actually watch it. #
  • 21:32 Taking a soak in what will be hot, blood-tinted water. Love that. #
  • 21:44 Huh — bathwater not pink-swirled as I anticipated. Just a few endometrial shreds floating around. #
  • 23:29 Did some reading, some cuddling and now going to have a snack & tv before bed. I feel lucky and happy, even though. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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