• 08:58 Dreamt I was in a really bad Prince movie with ruffled skirts, terrorists, tennis, & lithium battery-based explosions. It’s good 2 be awake. #
  • 09:01 Was all geared up to download some new music for shows today, but Napster doesn’t seem to be cooperating. My plans: foiled again. #
  • 10:42 So if we buy a real doll at some point and also have a child, do we have to hide them from each other? #
  • 11:24 Beginning to get ready for my show(s) today; showering, shaving, and all that other bullSHit. #
  • 11:42 Our internet connection is really up/down in terms of speed today, probably because of storms. Hard to keep cams connected. Shows impacted? #
  • 12:26 SonofaBITCH. Going to try resetting machine and modem and router and see if that helps anything. Show to start in 30 minutes. Pissed off. #
  • 14:19 Ass-sucking connection so slow my show was barely visible/mostly buffering. Canceled SCC show. Cable co. doesn’t answer. Going to eat. #
  • 15:53 Love for my anus-honoring doctor: tinyurl.com/26a953 #
  • 16:02 Prioritizing: shooting porn featuring Delia’s ejac. in/on me somewhere, site redesign plodding, work on gallery-in-progress, & orientation. #
  • 16:36 Heating up bedroom for homemade sex pics & vid. Members can spy (but without audio bcus of bossy directions that might ruin the "magic"). #
  • 16:51 Pooping can be so fun, yet so inconveniently timed. Must go lick my butthole with a warm, wet washcloth before we shoot reverse cowgirl vid. #
  • 18:42 MMmmm. . . . hot and creamy. Looking forward to posting this video. But photos first! #
  • 20:21 From our reverse cowgirl shoot tonight: sample pics & insight – tinyurl.com/22w3tv #
  • 21:16 Shared a stretch by candlelight & XM Audio Visions. Going to store for fresh fruit bedtime snack. Just blew thick bloody booger out of nose. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter