- 06:21 Woke up an hour ago with tooth pain where new filling is & nightmare about it. So sleepy; can’t get back to sleep. Need some toast. #
- 10:07 Unable to regain lost sleep due to rogue smoke alarm beeping. Got up, Delia said she didn’t hear anything. Transmissions to my new fillings? #
- 13:01 Picked out & bought some sound effects for our chatroom and new navigation. I could get very carried away with sound effects . . . LOVE! #
- 13:20 Going to get ready to take Delia to the dentist & complain about my own ill after-effects. Errands too (bank, grocery shopping, etc.). #
- 15:49 My mom is endowed with some special quality to her voice that AMPLIFIES on the phone and PIERCES my mental marrow with the might of nails. #
- 17:12 All I am doing right now is wishing Delia were hungry & no longer mouth-numb so we could eat some dinner. That’s all. #
- 19:06 Jesus H, Ron Paul & his type annoy me. #
- 19:10 Hoping to unleash a members-area redesign tonight. Not sure if that’s realistic, though, especially with my lack of sleep. #
- 21:28 Tempted to post preview screenshots or link for members of redesign; going to hold out until it’s done though. 14 pages & new graphics left. #
- 21:56 I think I’ve officially run out of steam, yet I want to keep working. It’s too inefficient though, so I’m going to bed. #
- 23:11 I wonder if I’ll have to be hospitalized for OD’ing on this video: tinyurl.com/2y64sq Can’t stop watching. #
- 23:32 Yay! Bedtime now that Delia posted video of her jacking off into a cup at the fertility center. It felt naughty shooting that . . . #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter