- 09:43 I’m awake, but not fully committed to it. Dreamt about getting tattoos. The devil, a pinup and the word "defiance". #
- 10:25 I need to get another hour or so of sleep. Have a headache and feel a little pukey. Going back to bed with a book, tea & clementines. #
- 10:39 Ready to begin reading _The Speed of Dark_. Sounds like a Flowers for Algernon plot, though. #
- 11:58 Started reading _The Speed of Dark_ (slightly futuristic w/autistic protag). Loving it. Keep thinking of Cherie’s guess that I’m Aspie. #
- 12:16 Made a post in my members-only masturbation log: tinyurl.com/2bjtyl #
- 13:47 Been editing pics. Resigning myself to ramen for 1st meal of day. Headache gone (thanks tea & tylenol). Still not functioning at high level. #
- 15:01 Listening to NPR stuff while editing pics, mostly to make sure I know how to pronounce names of certain authors. #
- 15:58 You’d have had to be watching/listening very closely on our spycams to know I just had an orgasm. #
- 16:36 Reeeeeeeally dragging. SHOULD drag myself to bed for a nap & be done with it, but I’m resisting. Know I’ll just stay awake reading if I do. #
- 17:59 It’s dinnertime: Delia made salmon, beets, yams & onions. She didn’t MAKE them in a creator-way, she cooked them, I mean. #
- 21:42 Of course. After being sleepy all day I am now in the perfect, focused, AWAKE state to work efficiently and all night. Must adjust self. #
- 22:12 Putting together promo galleries to unleash when I’m finished with/ready to unveil new "tour" for affiliates to push my site. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter