- 10:37 Today’s not nearly so bright and beautiful as it was yesterday. Moon’s on the wane, now. Still, it promises to be a good day. #
- 10:52 Going to pick out a book to begin reading & have tea & toast (and BOOOOOOK) in bed. GOOD morning! #
- 12:55 Just ordered Pinnacle Studio Ultimate. Hope to use it to improve our video editing process & what we’re able to offer (more formats, etc.). #
- 13:43 Want to read about my transvaginal ultrasound? tinyurl.com/2z76yh #
- 14:27 So, when you read this article doesn’t it sound like Heath was found by an escort? tinyurl.com/yumzft #
- 17:48 Back from the dentist. I look like I have bell’s palsy. Tempted to shoot a jagged-mouthed photo set. #
- 18:50 Trying to get some promo stuff done (major multitasking going on right now); annoyed by big webmaster board’s INTENSE slowness. #
- 19:16 I think my filling is not filed down enough; newly huge tooth is impacting my bite, and probably ability to chew. Ugh. #
- 19:20 I’m being obnoxious in thread where webmaster brags about content w/girl bleeding from big cock; asking why my period pics aren’t cool 2! #
- 22:55 Just enjoyed a pleasant call with my wanker who sounded very chipper for being woken up before 6 am his time. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter