- 09:25 Just woke up (too early) to really cool email from member and some Big Country videos I never saw in the 80s. #
- 11:21 Goddamn; I need to get ready for webcam show already, including massive clean-up to WebWhoreHQ. Fingers crossed for no tech probs on camz. #
- 12:15 Burning a cd for my show; took longer than it should’ve to compile the playlist. Need to hurry: shave, put in contacts, do hair & makeupetc. #
- 14:31 Show pleasant even w/ the usual predictable complaints from viewers who don’t want to hear/talk politics. No 1 ever complains re: sport chat #
- 15:32 Chili & cookies for lunch. Feeling vurrrry sleepy but need to get ready for next show in half hour. What to wear? Blargh . . . #
- 17:52 Compiling sales stats to see how "worth it" my little pet project fetish blogs are. Well, one of them at least. Need to justify more. #
- 21:30 I just let a fart that actually sounded like a dog barking somewhere outside. I’m serious!!! One of three truly funny things today. #
- 21:50 Funny comment in one of my webcam shows today: tinyurl.com/35lg2s #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter