- 09:58 Fucked last night before bed then dreamt about the kinder, gentler Simon Cowell. It was repulsively sweet & a huge turn-on. #
- 12:33 Just woke up for 2nd time after breakfast, reading Chuck Klosterman, and a little more sleep I really seemed to need. #
- 14:16 A post I just made with anal bead pics (though not of MY anus with beads): livewebwhores.com/?p=26 #
- 14:28 Correction: the post FEATURES anal bead pics; I didn’t MAKE the post USING anal bead pics. Imagine cutting & pasting those to create entry! #
- 14:29 Time to get in bed with snacks & ten-pound old laptop to watch the game and chat with members. It will not be "exciting", but it will be fun #
- 19:35 Fun! Not a lot of screaming moments during the football game, but the one at the end was worth it. #
- 22:28 I think my eyes are bugging out from staring at the monitor too much / doing too much blogging & chatting & watching tv. #
- 23:58 Some gloves that I want (warning: wishlisty action): tinyurl.com/33llo3 #
- 23:58 Did some groovy dorky dancing to Bluesville. Going to prep a snack and get back to bed (for more Simon Cowell dreams I hope?) #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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