- 11:56 Sigh. I really need to post an update for members, but something is "weighing" on me, making me not want to share recent pictures. Chin Xs 2 #
- 13:14 Just mailed out as many last-minute Valentines as I could. Less than ten was all I could muster, but I know they’ll make a few people happy. #
- 13:16 If I could have easily located more addresses, perhaps I’d have managed to send more. Why is life so disorganized? #
- 13:59 In searching for unique cards, I found my way to Deviantart again; LOVE that site. #
- 14:59 Now = is as good a time as any for "breakfast". Maybe better, because waiting this long puts more emphasis on the "fast" part of the word. #
- 16:16 Enjoying surfing for octopus tattoo pics, getting ideas in case I ever do that in the future. Plus, they’re awesome & I just like to look. #
- 19:56 Deleting a bunch of unpleasant-looking pics of me in prep to post a gallery tonight. Delia almost done w/show, then DINNER! #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter