- 11:37 Good morning! Time for my ritual morning nose-picking to get out the crusties. #
- 12:39 Going to have a little breakfast while my video uploads creep along. Would love to believe there’s a GOOD reason why period’s not here. #
- 12:55 POSTED! My "Letters from Working Girls" video rants: tinyurl.com/35dcxq #
- 13:04 Reading my gf’s post on her sobriety: tinyurl.com/2l2ljq #
- 15:16 Delia just came home with the BEST dinner fixings! I can’t wait . . . I think I’m going to pull on some clothes & take a walk outside. #
- 15:23 Actually, I’m going to go see a movie by myself. It will be good for me to sit in the dark alone surrounded by people. #
- 15:25 I look and smell disgusting. I hope this will prevent people from sitting next to or near me. #
- 18:05 I am so fucking lucky! Imagine going to the movies alone; when you get home, your girlfriend has cleaned the entire house! #
- 18:52 Yummmmmmmmmm eets deenairthyme!! #
- 01:20 I have been so lazy lately that I almost wish I could sleep standing up. To take some pressure off my ass. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter