- 10:41 In desperate need of new walking shoes. It’s been years since I replaced my "athletic" shoes. My feet are fucked. #
- 12:05 Had some breakfast and started reading _Best Sex Writing 2008_ which, so far, is FUCKING RAD!!!! #
- 12:24 Going to put on some sweats & do some housework before trekking to do a naughty Delia shoot outdoors. #
- 12:31 I lied. I’m still sitting at the computer experimenting with design concepts using my limited mental toolbox. #
- 13:18 We’re packing up and heading out to do some trench-coated photo/video shooting. Want to bring wicked witch doll to shoot, too, but no. #
- 14:38 Grrr . . . so many fucking PEOPLE out we had to abort outdoor Delia masturbation video. Still got a hot set of photos, though. #
- 15:29 Sigh. We need to buy a new camera. Get ready, credit cards, for an additional burden. #
- 16:32 Just shot another set of Delia plus a jack-off video that has left me physically tormented. #
- 17:57 I’m so bad. As soon as Delia left for the gym I got out my dirtiest magazine & moved a vibe into the parlor to have solo sex. #
- 19:03 Just enjoyed a pleasurable stretch/oozy/dorky/dance session to new age music with dark blue dusky skies, stars & breeze through open door. #
- 19:10 Signing up to promote Hancock Studios sites based on this pro-pansexual plug/story: tinyurl.com/2zoanq #
- 19:25 Delia just got home from the gym and is making tacos which I can’t *wait* to eat while we watch some Heroes on dvd. #
- 20:50 I’m so sleepy and so fucked up and my period just won’t start. Over six weeks from last now, & preg tests are negative. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter