- 09:55 Working on some links to friends from my members-only area (means I’m surfing their sites for hot pics). #
- 12:12 Fired up the "accounting" computer to pay some bills and get a handle on the damage. #
- 12:53 Did some more tiny fixes on our sites. I think it’s time for some breakfast now! #
- 14:18 Taking a bath with my magic red swirls. #
- 17:23 Took a long walk and did two grocery-shop stops. Going to have a hot ham/turkey/sprout sandwich on a muffin now. STARVING! #
- 17:23 Took a long walk and did two grocery-shop stops. Going to have a hot ham/turkey/sprout sandwich on a muffin now. STARVING! #
- 20:11 Diablo Cody fangirl video/blog entry on hold while Youtube is doing maintenance. #
- 20:19 I ate way too much dark chocolate (Green & Black cherry bar) and am very TWITCHY. Ready to wring YouTube’s bottled-up neck. #
- 20:56 Is something wrong with my browser or is it really TRUE that no one is tweeting and youtube is still broken? Fuck . . . #
- 21:25 Hard to describe the INTENSITY with which I resent MySpace. #
- 23:23 Having a sandwich and watching some tv before bed. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter