• 11:07 Been awake for awhile now, but didn’t get enough sleep. Maybe that will be a good thing? It worked all right for me yesterday . . . #
  • 12:25 I guess what I *really* need to do with Trixie.com is make it an aggregator to syndicate all of our blog posts. I guess. #
  • 12:31 And then maybe I need to do the same thing to BestSexBlogs.com and/or BlueDiaries.com #
  • 13:02 Someone please MAKE ME GO OUTSIDE. It’s a beautiful day and I should get some air and move my legs. #
  • 13:37 I love my hosting co. (nakedhosting.com/) – I’m going to take a walk while THEY set up my cron job. #
  • 14:27 First attempt at fetching older blog entries for syndication is a big mess. Still haven’t left for my walk. NEED TO GO & stop fiddling. #
  • 16:13 I enjoyed my walk and am not back to doing very tedious work. A smarter, more knowledgeable person would know a way around these tasks . . . #
  • 16:36 Mmmmmm! Whatever Delia’s cooking, it smells super yummy! Hard for me to leave current wonderfully simple tasks at desk, but food calls. #
  • 19:04 Just woke up from an after-dinner nap. Or was that more like lunch? Yes, let’s call it lunch and the call root beer floats to come "dinner". #
  • 21:15 Omygosh . . . I totally CRIED watching Christian win Project Runway (even though we were Chris fans; human hair is hot). #
  • 22:44 When you conjure up images of Eve in the garden, how old do you imagine her being? Mine looks like she’s about 30. Definitely a brunette. #
  • 23:00 If only being a top 10k site translated into top $$: www.quantcast.com/trixie.com Must keep working on it. #
  • 23:57 Just got back from the store where we bought really healthy snacks to accompany a movie. I LIE!!!! I love junk food! Salt & vinegar chips! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter