• 11:20 I just woke up & need to find pictures of bangs(! just wait) for my HAIRDRESSER (see?) so I can hide my wrinkly forehead. Cut in 2 hours. #
  • 15:35 My new shorter haircut with bangs is like a cross between my mom and SATC Samantha Jones. Attack of the nympho bitch milf! #
  • 18:02 Just got back from dinner & very naughty ice cream cone; even with lactose intolerance, I cannot resist the lure of lemon custard. #
  • 20:07 My new hair(s) in video: tinyurl.com/2t7a9u #
  • 21:27 WP-O-Matic is not working for me. Reading a bunch of stuff on boards about alternatives. Blargh . . . #
  • 23:48 Notes from a TV junkie: I can’t WAIT to see Pixie get her ass reamed on LA Ink! Oh, Jason Castro; Hallelujah indeed! #
  • 01:23 Did a little of this and a little of that; slightly annoyed with self for not meeting writing goals this week, but accomplished other stuff. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter