• 09:33 This is the time AFTER I’ve completed my quick AM routine (cams up? email emergencies?) that I need to step away & come back later to work. #
  • 12:36 Just completed my Monday morning bill-pay / checkbook-balancing ritual. It should depress me but I usually enjoy it (as I did today). #
  • 12:57 Coaching self: "Rise from chair. Go to bedroom computer. Check off completed to-do’s. Stretch? Eat lunch? Attack next to-do! GET UP!!!!" #
  • 14:11 Downloading a bunch of This American Life to iPod as alternative to television tonight. Plus some truly dorky new age music; I love!!! #
  • 15:12 Mmmm!!! Delia brought home yummy green grapes & it’s sunny out so they taste like May. She’s going to make wraps for lunch. I’m LUCKY!! #
  • 15:13 Taking off all of my clothes to lie in our sunny parlor eating grapes like bon bons. #
  • 17:16 About to build some promo galleries & listen to my FAVORITE totally embarrassingly dorky SCA-styled music disc. #
  • 18:31 Disconnecting our Parlor Cam to free up resources for Delia’s webcam show at the top of the hour. #
  • 18:35 Got distracted by high school memories brought back by The Mechanical Universe: www.learner.org/resources/series42.html #
  • 19:29 Industry friends: if you’re bored, methinks an argument is brewing here between "Hammer" and I: tinyurl.com/ytowj6 #
  • 21:41 Had some chili in bed while we watched Heroes (still getting caught up on 1st season). Going to take a call with my wanker. #
  • 23:46 Yay! I love getting paid to talk about real dolls and get good feedback on my site. Thanks, "Anchor"! Time to take a bath & go to bed. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter