• 09:58 Did I mention I’m awake? I am, & trying again to mimic graphics I made for my members-only area in different colors, sizes, etc. for Delia. #
  • 10:03 Here are screenshots of our current member areas for comparison: mine: tinyurl.com/2l7wv2 & Delia’s: tinyurl.com/32wtwt #
  • 10:14 I need to interrupt my work for some breakfast, deep breathing & a round of prioritizing. #
  • 10:44 I feel like I could use another hour of sleep. I could also use an extra 12 hours a day to work, though. Can’t always get what you could use #
  • 13:04 Ahhh, sweet relief; I just dropped a gigantic log in the toilet. Did that earn me a nap? Head is oozing fuzzy sleepiness, craving blankets. #
  • 13:17 Finally; got a few promo galleries finished. Need to email affiliates now. Samples: tinyurl.com/29mhol & tinyurl.com/ytl58v #
  • 13:49 Irritated; passed up going for exercise with Delia earlier to take a class later which I just learned is a no go due to renovations. #
  • 13:54 Potty cam is down because Delia was editing video & I’m going to hide off cam for a bit; embarrassed about how tired/low-energy I feel. #
  • 15:17 Just enjoyed watching/hearing/feeling an innocent bout of hail. Going to take a bath now. #
  • 16:10 Oops; I fell asleep instead of taking a bath. NOW I will take the bath since I no longer feel like conking out. #
  • 17:31 Doing all the little time-consuming tasks associated with the simplest promos. I FUCKING HATE checking every fucking link myself. WASTE. #
  • 17:34 Sorry to whine; I know the more of this I do myself now, the closer I get to being able to hire some drone to do my bitch work. #
  • 17:57 I wouldn’t have the luxury to bitch about my webmaster duties if not for Delia doing 99% of the housework. She’s busting ass now, in fact. #
  • 18:09 Price increase for my net radio station jumped up; I either need to enjoy it more & make it effective as ad tool OR give it up. Good push? #
  • 19:01 Getting hungry. Promised each other no TV today/tonight. Uploading music to try to justify radio station expense to myself. #
  • 19:17 Totally want to take a pic of Delia while she cleans; she looks SO cute but I know it would make her mad. Oh, the tears of Trixie . . . #
  • 19:56 Bought TrixieRadio.com today. Had on to-buy list for years. Hard to juggle/balance/prioritize ideas for development. Why I hate little tasks #
  • 20:22 Breaking today’s no-tv rule. Posted my boring thoughts on radio stuff: tinyurl.com/36oegx #
  • 21:34 Just watched America’s Best Dance Crew finale & letting ourselves watch one more show I’m less inclined to admit to. Then books! #
  • 22:44 Trying to decide whether I should do a couple of hours of work or try to get to sleep early; leaning towards sleep. #
  • 22:54 New playlist on shuffle: www.live365.com/stations/whipsofopinion ; 5+ hours of stuff you might not have heard in months or years. #
  • 22:55 Unless, of course, you listen to my spycams/shows a lot. I need to buy & rip more music & harvest entire cd collection for .mp3s. Overdue. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter