• 08:41 It’s snowing big, wet, slushy flakes. #
  • 11:34 Waking up too early to gaze at the snowfall has thrown me out of whack. Had to take a nap. Need some lunch. #
  • 13:21 Made to-do lists for this week. Entering stuff in food diary. Settling in to work on email for an hour or so. #
  • 14:08 Instead of email, I wrote & posted this catch-all blog post: tinyurl.com/2lmhq7 — NOW emails! #
  • 16:27 Is "Fertile Trixie" a misnomer? tinyurl.com/2jkgdp #
  • 16:47 Having a hard time getting through the emails in my box. Maybe I need to have a snack & a break from the computer . . . #
  • 17:50 I can see Delia is ass-deep in a private show and her GROUP show is going to start in 8 minutes! How will she do it all? #
  • 18:08 Woops! I forgot that her show doesn’t actually start for a whole other hour. Got her show time mixed up with mine. I’m a jackass. #
  • 22:35 Taking a bath after having quiche and watching our embarrassing Sunday night television shows (Extreme Makeover Home Edition & Big Give). #
  • 23:56 Jesus; if I counted up how many crossdresser jokes one encounters in entertainment on a daily basis I’d be . . . like . . . counting a lot. #
  • 00:09 Upskirt shots highlighting my blood-soaked maxi pad: tinyurl.com/3aymqy #
  • 00:30 This gallery upload is taking forever so I’ll post it for members tomorrow. Going to hit the sack. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter