My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 12:00 Leaving a comment on a celebrity hate blog that is hotlinking one of my Paris images. Pay for your own bandwidth, cocksmokers! #
  • 13:09 Let’s see how many drafts of blog posts I can write then never publish . . . I hope these posts I pile up are useful someday . . . #
  • 13:11 I do believe it’s breakfast-time now, to be accompanied by a hot water bottle & maybe a book. Forcing self to finish _The Meaning of Night_. #
  • 13:49 Postponed bfast to respond to guy on webmaster board selling unusable taboo books; only $10, but he’s either stupid or purposely cheating. #
  • 13:51 The suck part of it is that he has my real name/address (since I bought on paypal) so maybe I should be afraid of outing him. #
  • 14:58 Installing a different syndication tool for; WP-O-Matic is not really working for me. Might have to buy something better. #
  • 15:28 Fuck me running. Now need *another* piece (zend optimizer?) to install but the site appears to have tech problems. Waste of time. #
  • 15:58 Writing to my hosting company again for help. I don’t know why I needlessly force myself to try doing things for myself in the first place. #
  • 16:29 What am I doing? What time is it? Why am I so hungry? How did it come to be late afternoon so quickly? Where did I put my left hemisphere? #
  • 17:20 Thinking I should eat while I wait for yet another chunk of something (curl library?) to be taken care of. I hope. #
  • 17:32 If I had a multi-use servant right now, I would have him go get me cheeseburgers from two or three locations. Oh, burgers! #
  • 17:46 One of our internet connections (the one we use on all but one machine) is REALLY SLOW. Going to have to call them . . . soon . . . #
  • 22:25 Mmmmm. . . heirloom tomatoes and burritos and Next Top Model (didn’t record for us on Wednesday for some reason). #
  • 00:53 Posted a handful of new galleries on ; my faves are girl w/her horse outside, Kristin Davis’ tiny boobs & Ivana (again). #
  • 01:20 It’s bedtime now . . . my body is really tense/sore from so much uninterrupted computer time. My fault, totally. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:31 Awesome. This morning I look like Dana Carvey on Wayne’s world courtesy of my new hair cut and glasses. #
  • 12:16 Ivana Fukalot never fails to get me super duper horny: #
  • 13:40 Added some new free porn galleries to ; it’s time for breakfast & mail sorting now. #
  • 15:39 Hmmmm. . . I might need to reschedule one of my shows tomorrow so we can go see "Until the Violence Stops". #
  • 17:50 It’s dinnertime; lemony couscous, shrimp and steamed broccoli (Delia always gets it PERFECTLY tenderized). #
  • 20:50 Just watched a fight after dinner; boxing is both relaxing & motivating to me. Now I need to work on an update for members. #
  • 21:28 I *really really* want to buy this to make my web designing life easier & prettier: #
  • 22:53 Waiting for content I bought to finish downloading before I upload my galleries for members. Think I will do some stretching while waiting. #
  • 23:28 Oh dear! These stories I bought are *very* naughty . . . I can’t wait to record some of them. #
  • 00:18 We need to go fuck. Right now. Or at least after I brush my teeth . . . #
  • 00:37 Awesome — I love a good sticky hot quickie. I really needed that orgasm! And now I just want to retire to bed without posting my update. #
  • 02:01 I decided I need a top ramen nightcap & a healthy dose of Northern Exposure in order to really get a good night’s sleep. Boiling water now. #
  • 02:08 Thank you, hitachi magic wand and story, "sleep-in for daddy", for making the water boil so much faster! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 11:20 I just woke up & need to find pictures of bangs(! just wait) for my HAIRDRESSER (see?) so I can hide my wrinkly forehead. Cut in 2 hours. #
  • 15:35 My new shorter haircut with bangs is like a cross between my mom and SATC Samantha Jones. Attack of the nympho bitch milf! #
  • 18:02 Just got back from dinner & very naughty ice cream cone; even with lactose intolerance, I cannot resist the lure of lemon custard. #
  • 20:07 My new hair(s) in video: #
  • 21:27 WP-O-Matic is not working for me. Reading a bunch of stuff on boards about alternatives. Blargh . . . #
  • 23:48 Notes from a TV junkie: I can’t WAIT to see Pixie get her ass reamed on LA Ink! Oh, Jason Castro; Hallelujah indeed! #
  • 01:23 Did a little of this and a little of that; slightly annoyed with self for not meeting writing goals this week, but accomplished other stuff. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 11:07 Been awake for awhile now, but didn’t get enough sleep. Maybe that will be a good thing? It worked all right for me yesterday . . . #
  • 12:25 I guess what I *really* need to do with is make it an aggregator to syndicate all of our blog posts. I guess. #
  • 12:31 And then maybe I need to do the same thing to and/or #
  • 13:02 Someone please MAKE ME GO OUTSIDE. It’s a beautiful day and I should get some air and move my legs. #
  • 13:37 I love my hosting co. ( – I’m going to take a walk while THEY set up my cron job. #
  • 14:27 First attempt at fetching older blog entries for syndication is a big mess. Still haven’t left for my walk. NEED TO GO & stop fiddling. #
  • 16:13 I enjoyed my walk and am not back to doing very tedious work. A smarter, more knowledgeable person would know a way around these tasks . . . #
  • 16:36 Mmmmmm! Whatever Delia’s cooking, it smells super yummy! Hard for me to leave current wonderfully simple tasks at desk, but food calls. #
  • 19:04 Just woke up from an after-dinner nap. Or was that more like lunch? Yes, let’s call it lunch and the call root beer floats to come "dinner". #
  • 21:15 Omygosh . . . I totally CRIED watching Christian win Project Runway (even though we were Chris fans; human hair is hot). #
  • 22:44 When you conjure up images of Eve in the garden, how old do you imagine her being? Mine looks like she’s about 30. Definitely a brunette. #
  • 23:00 If only being a top 10k site translated into top $$: Must keep working on it. #
  • 23:57 Just got back from the store where we bought really healthy snacks to accompany a movie. I LIE!!!! I love junk food! Salt & vinegar chips! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:13 Do I need to shave my biscuit whiskers for doc who will catheterize my cervix, shoot dye through my tubes and x-ray me? I hope not. #
  • 09:38 Pics of smoke rings from Mina in my latest post: #
  • 10:15 Getting up early & going somewhere in the morning MAKES ME CONSTIPATED. I *hate* that. #
  • 10:58 Going to miss the ferry if we don’t leave in about one minute. #
  • 15:45 Rock on! The x-ray dye-through-uterus-n-tubes thingy was so fucking cool! At my sister’s now. Will blog about it later. #
  • 19:30 Just walked in the door; changing into comfy clothes & planning to watch coverage on the primaries. #
  • 20:10 Hmmmm . . . scanning an x-ray slide is much less effective than I thought it would be. #
  • 23:09 Driving myself insane; brain constipated with too many unprioritized ideas. What I want to do SHOULDN’T BE THIS HARD. #
  • 01:24 Step # 5 (?) in simply wordpressing all of my neglected domains: That leaves about 57 to go. #
  • 01:48 I guess I should go to bed now. No longer efficient, but still want to sit here scheming at the computer. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:22 Glargh; feel like puking. The scent of old emergen-c isn’t helping. And no, I’m not pregnant. Just too many little schoolboys (cookies!). #
  • 13:53 My reflections on smoking & bubblegum fetishes: Balanced checkbook. Going to have some breakfast now. #
  • 16:55 My head is SPINNING. I know I need to step away from the computer and get some exercise but it’s SO HARD. #
  • 23:36 Need to go to sleep early tonight for Dr. tomorrow; pretty nervous about this procedure. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 11:18 My good morning blog post about my middle-of-the-night fears: #
  • 12:37 Just got back from grocery & lotion shopping. Going to brew some tea and have some breakfast now. #
  • 13:37 Got sidetracked doing little site fixes & tidying. Brewing tea NOW, filling hot water, getting ready for cozy breakfast. #
  • 16:19 Just updated the members-only area. Now I must prioritize other tasks and desires. #
  • 17:15 Canceled my gamefly and VIP-listener radio subscriptions. Need to put that money to better use. #
  • 20:26 About to eat dinner. How did it get to be dark so quickly? #
  • 21:45 Eating peanut butter cups and watching Oprah’s Big Give. #
  • 23:12 Big headache from massive chocolate overdose. #
  • 00:17 Just spent 30+ minutes stretching — sooooooooooooo yummy and good. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:48 Up a little too soon. Time to flip the calendar page to the month I turn 35. I always like getting back on an odd number. #
  • 10:57 Time for me to start getting ready for show #1 of the day. Need to shower, capture video, get toys ready, blah blah blah. #
  • 12:31 What a mess; where is the motherfucking head cleaner? Ahhh, there it is. Good spot for it. #
  • 12:31 Going to reset my machine to pave the way for smooth and lovely camshow broadcast in <30 minutes. #
  • 14:04 Sigh. After all the prep I did I forgot to press record; very annoying since I squirted a little & would have liked to have had it on tape. #
  • 14:20 Just wrote back to a couple of members who’d been waiting for me to set them up with BloodyTrixie access. Very hungry now. #
  • 16:47 Having a hard time doing anything, I’m so sleepy. Just going to watch gymnastics until it’s time for my next show (about an hour). #
  • 19:03 Just had an awesome orgasm during show #2. Getting to be dinner time. Main focus tonight is hitting my 2 hours of writing later. #
  • 19:08 Q: what is the average person’s incentive for reviewing lots of books on Amazon? #
  • 22:59 Just had sex and now I’m going to do some worldbuilding. #
  • 23:14 Why do I feel like vomiting all of the sudden? Must be all the groin-grinding on top of overeating. #
  • 00:52 A more creative Trixie than I: #
  • 01:01 It’s totally bedtime. I want some munchies & tv even though I should just go straight to sleep. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 12:01 I’m so glad I have insurance now to make doctor-selection & appt-making totally complex & a ridiculous waste of time. #
  • 12:23 I have to wait more than a month for a simple fucking eye doc appt. Tell me again how we have it better than Canada, etc.? #
  • 13:21 I love getting unexpected checks in the mail. Our grocery-money tin is filling out. #
  • 13:51 Next up: lunch? exercise? more research into features of various camsites? reply to emails? make long-term plans? hair appointment? LOST. #
  • 14:27 A post on FertileTrixie re: my blood tests, how I feel about needles, etc.: #
  • 15:16 Sometimes I just want SAUSAGE, and lots of it. Know what I mean? #
  • 15:57 Fucking with design concepts. Glad Delia just got home; maybe she’ll be interested in purchasing some sausage? #
  • 19:28 Just got home from the store where we bought cheap sausage, pizza dough, and other naughty things. Writing to wanker now. #
  • 20:56 I made a good decision/goal today: (that site’s not done, but it has the goal on it). #
  • 23:01 It’s time & I must decide whether to write something naughty or something that only one person (me) will want to read . . . #
  • 01:20 Ahhh, life is fun/good. I decided on "naughty" for tonight’s writing project. Already in love with some characters. Outlining tomorrow. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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