My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:31 Dream I had: Feeling like I might need another hour of sleep. #
  • 09:36 Trying to find old posts I made on my dreams pre-new-blogger to add labels to them so all "dreams" posts are labeled. #
  • 10:11 Going to get back into bed with my English Breakfast, some Magic cards, checklists & a pencil to adore my collection. #
  • 12:28 Thoughts on the supposed Jimi Hendrix sex tape? #
  • 13:13 Every time I re-read my blog posts I discover new & stupid ways I’ve misspelled words. Sooooooo tired of myself making mistakes. #
  • 13:34 Heating up some egg rolls that have been in freezer forever. I suspect they have freezer burn but will waste time/electricity anyway. #
  • 14:21 Those egg rolls were NOT bad! Delicious, in fact. Now I have enough greasy pork energy to start cleaning up our bedroom. For sexytime? #
  • 15:18 Going to Goodwill, etc. to look for cheap furnishings. Because that’s the way we roll. Or???? #
  • 16:47 Summer sausage & maple candy for a snack: what could be yummier? #
  • 17:58 Love our new duvet cover! It’s a print, though, so might slow down our cams. Might also overstimulate me when I’m trying to read/relax. #
  • 19:22 Heating up some soup with a whole lemon’s juice squeezed in; dusting always flares my allergies which sometimes raws me up for worse. #
  • 22:10 Going to try to get to sleep early tonight since I didn’t fill my quota last. Oh yeah, and all I want to do is EAT EAT EAT!! #
  • 23:35 I’m so excited about our new blue velvet(ish) curtains & newly redone bed that I feel all cushy and vacation-like; going to enjoy tonight. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:57 Come on! Help pay for a needy woman’s abortion & get free membership to our porn sites: It’s a steal! #
  • 10:59 So yeah, I woke up & was totally expecting to see more response: you can donate a lowly $10 and get 6 weeks membership; that’s insane! #
  • 12:59 Balanced checkbook, paid bills & now I’m going to order some stamps; I *love* buying stamps! #
  • 14:05 Removing comments and blocking people on youtube who don’t like me & my loogie haucking videos. #
  • 14:25 Something beautiful for your day or night: Prince covering Radiohead’s "Creep": And now I will have lunch. #
  • 15:14 I need to learn more about Huguenots. But first, a shower! I will wash this body, descended from Huguenots in Ireland. #
  • 17:13 Going outside for a little fresh air (something we have a lot of here, but that I rarely take advantage of because I’m a self-shut-in). #
  • 18:29 Gave Nico as much brushing as she would tolerate & kicked the ball around for her. Trying to make a public (to members) to-do list. Need eat #
  • 19:27 Tyra gets away with incest: #
  • 19:34 FYI: no, that did not turn me on; it totally grossed me the fuck out, but maybe the way they presented made it seem creepier than it is? #
  • 20:47 Posted a to-shoot list of fan requests & porn ideas, etc. for members: Now? Going to have dinner. #
  • 23:07 Posted another to-do list for members who are curious about our priorities/top projects. #
  • 01:17 Going to bed now after rewarding myself with, ummm, nevermind. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 08:44 Can I stop dreaming about midgets, dwarves, toy-sized people, etc.? It’s becoming a bizarre trend. #
  • 10:40 Trying to write a story for JellyRollJane. Fantasizing about a soundproof WebWhoreHQ, a bigger hot water heater & nicer bathrooms. #
  • 11:39 Just masturbated to take the edge off; I have ten shitloads of things I’ve started & struggle to finish (before starting MORE stuff). Sigh. #
  • 12:58 Doodled on the keyboard, plugged in with newly-extended headphones. Wrote to mom. Paralyzed self with attempts at prioritizing. Now lunch. #
  • 13:13 What would YOU do if a sharp little metal shaving from a botched can opening fell into your refried beans & rotel? Throw batch away? Eat? #
  • 16:29 Took a bath. Working on chubby site project. I know it’s not a high priority, but it’s fun & I could use the money/am curious how it’ll do. #
  • 17:16 Accomplishing things, but SLOWLY. I’ve been really exhausted/super-sensitive to air, noise, interruption, etc. lately (more than usual even) #
  • 17:29 Glargh. Just noticed a format fuck-up on one of my blogs. Small things like this WEIGH me down. Hate wasting time fixing dumb shit like that #
  • 18:54 This post from Heather Corinna is so good I almost had an anxiety attack reading it: #
  • 18:55 Need to log out parlour cam to make connection speedier for Delia’s show starting in 5 minutes. #
  • 21:53 Blog entry about being an Obama delegate yesterday: #
  • 22:58 Buy an abortion & I’ll give you some porn: #
  • 23:52 100 blog edits later, I am ready to take out my contacts and get to bed. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 08:11 I am awake, but what does that really MeAN? #
  • 09:18 I can’t go on to the next level because we’ll be at a conference so I might as well go ahead and dress like the slob that I am. Much cozier. #
  • 09:27 Gotta go — I think I will need a nap when I return. #
  • 15:26 Just back from the county thing; delighted gal I sat next to by disclosing that I make porn. Need food now and maybe a nap. #
  • 18:28 Brain glargh. Just woke up from dream involving me pitted in territorial dispute (a bridge) against short TheRock-like action figure/toy. #
  • 20:09 In one hour / at 9 pacific I’ve got a members-only chat session scheduled if you want to come in & hang out with me! Words & music provided. #
  • 20:59 Ahhh, Ry Cooder doing The Bourgeois Blues is SO good! In chat now, alone (except for Ry Cooder keeping me company). #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 11:23 Dreamt about getting a pap smear, scary neighbors, & confusion over how old my former piano students are now. Not in 8th grade anymore? God! #
  • 12:20 Bounced on balance ball while having my tea and luna bar. Settling in to improve the layout & features on our spycam page today. #
  • 12:26 Oooh, guess what all that bouncing made me need to do? BESIDES fart, that is . . . #
  • 13:01 Getting over-ambitious with thoughts of new graphics/design is getting in the way of accomplishing function/layout first. #
  • 13:39 Woops I just got distracted and found myself here: #
  • 13:55 Going to capture some video and try to regroup. #
  • 15:28 Delia’s getting ready for me to "shoot" her. Better her than me! My double-chin has grown ginormous. I like taking pictures, though. #
  • 16:45 Just added new galleries & hmmm . . . a whole lot of fisting going on in my free porn sidebar: #
  • 19:05 Downloading pics from camera of Delia. Had some dinner which we ate (gasp) AT THE TABLE instead of in bed. What a novel concept! #
  • 21:49 Just shot some behind the scenes footage of a panty explosion! Only not quite as exciting as it sounds, though it was super fun. #
  • 21:52 AVN: nominations for awards no one’s heard of isn’t "breaking news". Breaking news would be "porn valley has ebola! AIM upgrades tests!" #
  • 23:18 We just measured each other’s hips, waists, chests, and necks. I am a voluptuous 39-31-37. Not counting low-hanging apron of fat. #
  • 23:27 Which means according to this I am fucked. But I already knew that. #
  • 23:36 It’s time for a bedtime snack and some shuteye. Have to wake up earlier than usual tomorrow and put on real clothes/look presentable. #
  • 23:51 FUCK my waist-to-hip ratio! We’re going to the store for midnight salt ‘n vinegar chips! Yeah!!!! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:02 Good morning, fetishists! FYI: you don’t know as much about women’s bodies as you seem to THINK you do so mind your p’s and q’s., mkay? #
  • 10:07 Going to play Magic: The Gathering with breakfast. Just me and my imaginary friend. Maybe that’s how a lot of MTG is played at home? #
  • 10:26 Weather requires we ditch outdoor shoot plans in favor for indoor. Whole new round of planning, choosing & cleaning in order now. Criminy! #
  • 10:48 Please tell me I do not have to waste time on the phone today with ccbill and some tech problem. PLEASE! #
  • 10:52 Phew! False alarm/misunderstanding. *****hate the phone/tech problems/have enough phone calls to procrastinate on making***** #
  • 12:39 Uploaded a few new/old tracks to my "radio" station. On a multitasking roll, but need some lunch now. #
  • 13:46 Wow; *just* changed nameservers on some of my parked domains and they’re already directing properly less than a minute later. #
  • 14:33 Okey dokey; taking a bath, inspecting razor burn, putting on makeup, fixing hair, and getting ready for a fun photo shoot! #
  • 16:53 Just got done shooting very fun (softcore) video and photos. Very big and bouncy! #
  • 17:11 Time for dinner: shrimpy lemony cous cous and steamed broccoli . . . plus some television. #
  • 20:05 Why don’t the manufacturers of exercise balls know how to properly measure a sphere? #
  • 22:40 New blog entry on rewarding myself with booby doll: #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:19 Mmmm . . . just woke up. Going to have my breakfast *before* I even attempt to catch up on twitter, email, etc. #
  • 11:26 Going to do some stretching: parlour cam activated! #
  • 12:23 Ordering 4 pairs of cheap capri pants before sale ends for Delia & I to share for shoots. Such is the life of a webwhore: slutwear bargains. #
  • 13:34 Just got off the phone with Delia’s therapist re: being on a panel of couples at a transgender convention. #
  • 14:01 I might be sabotaging shoots for the next two days by eating something with dairy for lunch. Lactose intolerance + dairy = no anal. #
  • 14:02 Not that I do anal that often, but still . . . frequent messy splattery poops aren’t conducive to efficient & sexy hot nude photo shoots. #
  • 16:24 Reduced most recent "respond to fan" mail folder down to 110 from 130. Will try to do more later. Think it’s shower time. #
  • 17:31 Aggravated; two out of two orders placed online were fucked up (1 overcharged, another packing slip doesn’t match what we got). #
  • 17:32 Oh well, shaved and prepping to shower for a shoot as soon as hot water tank replenishes (we have a TINY tank). #
  • 18:55 Trying to rush for an outdoor shoot before the sun sets. #
  • 19:28 That didn’t work out so well; too many people out and about and the tide was high so they were concentrated. Better luck next time. #
  • 20:37 Going to the store for big box of nerds (not that we’re in short supply here at our house, hardy har har). #
  • 23:25 I’m going to try on some possible outfits for shooting outside tomorrow. We’ll try for early instead of late. #
  • 00:26 After midnight?!? How did this happen? Filling up my hot water bottle to keep my toes toasty & crawling into bed with books & Delia. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:26 Hard time falling asleep last night so we stayed up ’til 3:30 watching an old movie. Not enough sleep, but I think that will be okay. #
  • 12:42 Groovy; Delia plugged in to record some bass. Maybe buying recording stuff *won’t* be a total waste of money after all. #
  • 14:47 Started reading Octavia Butler’s _Parable of the Sower_ with my breakfast. Going to record some dirty audio now for members. #
  • 15:53 Just got up to look all over the house for the glass of water that was only seven inches away from my hand in the first place. #
  • 16:07 Looking through old tapes for behind the scenes footage, wondering how much I *haven’t* captured & posted & shelved too soon. #
  • 16:30 I have PMS. Can I impress upon everyone the importance of proper labeling, organization & storage of video tapes/mini-dv cassettes? #
  • 18:01 Just had dinner & watched some Deadliest Catch. I need to put some clothes on to go to Radio Shack & stuff. Because I’m so COOL! #
  • 19:14 Sigh. Radio Shack was closed. And the coop was out of/stopped stocking TWO of the moisturizers I rely upon. And I’m grouchy. #
  • 19:29 Going to capture some video now that I located the tape I was looking for from three years ago . . . #
  • 20:06 Had to log out WebWhoreHQ cam while dealing with video, partly to speed up machine & partly to spare you my foul muttering & cursing. #
  • 20:33 Did some therapeutic cleaning during encoding; going to, ummmm, play with my MTG cards while vids upload. Relaaaaaxxxx, Trixie. #
  • 21:58 Posted a behind the scenes video on for members: we’re setting up camp in the Badlands enjoying the moon & wild turkey (really!) #
  • 22:11 And now? Taking a break to watch some American Idol. I’m not even sure who we’re rooting for; I DID "admire" Kristy Lee in a (lesbo) way. #
  • 00:35 Uploading members-only vlog. Going to get ready for bed & relax while that’s processing. #
  • 00:58 I’ve redeemed myself by sorting, boxing & labeling tapes. It inspired me to want to shoot more porn (so we can have more tapes to organize!) #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:44 Going to brew some tea and do my usual daydreaming/eating breakfast in bed with new age music thing. #
  • 10:32 Should I start out with digging into emails requiring responses? Or with my checkbook/bills? Latter needs to go in the mail so . . . #
  • 12:21 Getting ready to go for a walk/jog & eat a quick snack beforehand. Be back in a couple of hours. #
  • 12:43 But first we have to do a bunch of paperwork & errands on the car that Delia’s ex-wife gave us. #
  • 15:38 Just got home; warming up cans of soup to eat in bed for lunch. No, we’re not sick — that’s just how we do things around here. #
  • 16:55 Yeah, phuckers: my bible knowledge rawks! #
  • 18:30 I am so. sleepy. Was it the exercise that destroyed me? Just trying to slog away at work here but I’m *dying* for a nap. #
  • 19:24 Ahhh, hobostripper — I love you so much: #
  • 19:51 Beautiful mama art & update on our conception attempts: #
  • 20:31 Going to eat some fish tacos and watch Gossip Girl. #
  • 22:17 Going to take a hot bath. Afterwards will play one of my favorite songs while I slather body butter all over my, you know, BODY. #
  • 23:33 I’m fooling myself, sitting here thinking I’m going to accomplish anything. I should go to bed and enjoy myself there. #
  • 23:58 Nicest thing to see before bed: Hermione upskirt action: (is that hair I see?) #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:07 What the hell? Waking up to snow in late April/almost May is unheard of in my whole life in Western Washington. But here it is: snow! #
  • 10:37 Going to brew some tea & bring my breakfast to bed where I’ll review folders of notes I’ve written. For inspiration! #
  • 11:35 Going to do some deep breathing, set a timer & pray before I attempt calling my mom back. Just thinking about phone w/her drives me bats. #
  • 11:44 So I’m setting the timer for five minutes. Can I go five minutes without being an asshole? Keep your fingers crossed for me. #
  • 13:10 How many people here had or have a burn barrel in their backyard? I feel like I don’t know anyone who grew up with one or has one now. #
  • 14:06 Ugh. After writing long-ass email to member re: tech prob/tutorial, it bounced back: Mailbox unavailable or access denied. Sigh. #
  • 14:49 Heating up some lunch food. Could be perceived as prepping for a farty video poot shoot: yes, more beans please! BEEEEANZZZZZ!!!! #
  • 17:53 Researching recording software: think I might give Reaper a try since M-Audio is a resource hog & Audacity doesn’t cut it for making music. #
  • 18:28 Neighbors: when did you accumulate these new noisy dogs & why do I never hear you tell them to shut the fuck up? Loud dogs suck ass. #
  • 19:04 So easily frustrated. I want to make music, not learn software! Driver is installed, but software won’t recognize keyboard. Walking away. #
  • 22:16 Apparently the only way to record keys is to plug them into my interface thingy. I guess that’s why I bought it, right? Now can have fun! #
  • 23:22 We’re going to fuck; not near ovulation, but clearing out old storage of sperm. I wish I were more in the, ummm, spirit of things right now. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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