• 10:53 Glargh . . . woke up to discover some of our cams down. Minus 1. Had an orgasm in my dreams. Plus 1. #
  • 12:32 Oooogh . . . Monday morning bill pay ritual is a little tense/tight this go-round. Need to make more money, we do. #
  • 13:06 Ugh; our nice neighbor lady drives me nuts with her obsessive lawnmowing. I wish she would get another hobby. #
  • 13:14 Logging in the parlour cam to do some exercise. It should be awkward . . . #
  • 14:23 I hope my butt decides it wants to poop soon. In the meantime, I’m going to have some lunch. #
  • 14:30 It’s hard for me to believe how tiring it is to just wave my arms around in the air for twenty minutes. Exhausting! #
  • 15:36 Going to take a shower and try out new hair products and hot iron. #
  • 15:44 Forget it. I refuse to shower before I’ve pooped. Such a waste of time. And why do I keep saying "hot iron" instead of "flat iron"? #
  • 16:54 Sweet relief! I am now prepared to engage in the civilized process of bathing/grooming. Cleanliness for me? Like visiting a foreign land. #
  • 18:31 Taking down WebWhoreHQ cam so I can use it to record a vlog or two for members or more. Parlour Cam down to speed Delia’s show broadcasts. #
  • 19:29 Waiting for video to upload on YouTube (will it not post if it’s 29 seconds too long?) & for Delia to finish her show so we can eat yum yums #
  • 19:52 I feel so dirty after having an orgasm to this video: tastytrixie.rude.com/v/7D98fwbVT2Z I was in a hurry/it was the 1st one I found. #
  • 22:54 My period seems to have drained me of all of my vital fluids. TIRED! #
  • 23:44 But now I need to turn off the Nick Cave so the bass won’t disturb my brainwaves while I’m trying to work on emails. #
  • 00:23 Me, vlogging abut our most recent trip to Powell’s City of Books: tinyurl.com/327892 #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter