- 10:48 Trying to Digg something and feeling really uncertain of how it’s "done". Not sure how to label it . . . gah. #
- 11:06 Going to the store for a box of Luna bars because the sale started today — those fuckers are expensive, so $.50 off each is a good deal. #
- 11:56 This looks fucking RAD: www.playthenewsgame.com/ #
- 12:05 If that fantastic bowel movement was any indication, today is going to be a GREAT DAY! #
- 12:27 Time for a breakfast of tea, luna bar (with a side of peanut butter for frosting), and a sit-down with a porn industry magazine (XBiz). #
- 14:43 If I were more capable, I would have hidden galleries, videos & stories on our sites that members could only unlock by doing certain things. #
- 15:06 Need some lunch & a bath before chat / book drawing in an hour with members. #
- 16:29 Les / HomeAlone is the winner of an autographed copy of Best Sex Writing 2008! Woohoo! #
- 17:05 Going outside to jump some rope. #
- 17:20 Classmates.scum is so offensive to me the way they use MY/YOUR name(s) and memory to intercept communiques & charge for them. #
- 18:05 The jumprope: so much cheaper and faster than going to the gym. Spring feels like it’s finally here; really pretty outside. #
- 20:17 Okay; I have dark chocolate caffeine which should be enough to help me accomplish tonight’s redesign/graphics goal. I can do it!! Right? YES #
- 23:31 Yay! I love the way Delia’s shinier members-only area is looking; not done yet, but probably ready to share tomorrow. Now? Bed/tv time. #
- 23:53 I need to stop staring at my handiwork and go to bed. My ass is falling asleep. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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