• 11:07 Let’s see if I can take a whole day off. Or maybe half a day . . . that’s good enough, isn’t it? #
  • 12:46 Getting ready for a hot shower with lots of yummy Alba Organics products during and after. Kukui nut body cream? The best! #
  • 14:15 Next in my litany of totally frivolous tweets: I *totally* love our new flat iron! When my new contacts arrive? I might look presentable! #
  • 14:53 Going to the bank and out for some lunch together. #
  • 17:46 Just back from walking around downtown looking at art & other pretty things. Really pleasant way to adjust my head; enjoyed completely. #
  • 18:10 Reset 1 of our machines, logged cams back in, and downloaded the pics we took for an Earth Day gallery. #
  • 20:22 Going to the store for new toothbrushes. Might as well get some extra sugarbugs while we’re there, right? To put the toothbrushes to work? #
  • 21:13 This taking-a-day-off thing is so sweet! Will try not to get too amped on chocolate so I won’t stay up all night. #
  • 22:17 We’re going to watch The Darjeeling Limited; been dying to see it. Am anticipating crying. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter