• 10:09 Awake, but still sleeeeeepy; I feel really groovy, too. Like, GROOVY! #
  • 10:51 Gonna have my usual luna bar & tea in bed, maybe with the local paper & an additional hour or so of sleep; fitful/too nightmarish last nite #
  • 12:37 The nap didn’t happen, but I feel more alert. Happy to read of e-recycle thing on Sat.: means I can get rid of all-in-one w/broken printer. #
  • 13:17 Super excited about cleaning up my office & taking advantage of space left by broken printer. Puttering, dusting, vacuuming, rediscovering. #
  • 16:13 Filing. Hours of filing. And sorting; I have piles of lists, notes on ideas, things I collect to "remember", blah blah blah. #
  • 16:15 I need to eat something before I continue with this cleaning/sorting/tidying project. #
  • 17:53 If you’re watching me bizarrely cleaning & micro-arranging (then REarranging) the things on my dresser, I’m not OCD! This is um, meditative. #
  • 19:40 Yes, I’ve spent whole day cleaning office & still not done; that’s what happens when you don’t have your own IT dept, file clerk, maid, etc. #
  • 20:00 Just watched the sun set; going to have a taco dinner (made by Delia) now. Yum! #
  • 21:50 Fellow webwhores: do you relate to comedians when you watch documentaries about comedians? imdb.com/title/tt0328962/ I do. Watch! #
  • 22:13 Bloggers: when I read one of your opening sentences four times & still don’t understand, is it your writing that’s the problem or my brain? #
  • 22:14 FYI: by "you" I don’t mean YOU (this time); trying to read a blog of someone who doesn’t tweet & it’s throwing me off. #
  • 00:11 "Smart" people & their stupid fucking acronyms: I go off on bloggers & local politico who refuses to explain LGBT: tinyurl.com/3tqg9d #
  • 00:50 One of these days I will get up to speed & start reading blogs using a feed reader. I’m so old-fashioned. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter