• 10:02 Good morning, fetishists! FYI: you don’t know as much about women’s bodies as you seem to THINK you do so mind your p’s and q’s., mkay? #
  • 10:07 Going to play Magic: The Gathering with breakfast. Just me and my imaginary friend. Maybe that’s how a lot of MTG is played at home? #
  • 10:26 Weather requires we ditch outdoor shoot plans in favor for indoor. Whole new round of planning, choosing & cleaning in order now. Criminy! #
  • 10:48 Please tell me I do not have to waste time on the phone today with ccbill and some tech problem. PLEASE! #
  • 10:52 Phew! False alarm/misunderstanding. *****hate the phone/tech problems/have enough phone calls to procrastinate on making***** #
  • 12:39 Uploaded a few new/old tracks to my "radio" station. On a multitasking roll, but need some lunch now. #
  • 13:46 Wow; *just* changed nameservers on some of my parked domains and they’re already directing properly less than a minute later. #
  • 14:33 Okey dokey; taking a bath, inspecting razor burn, putting on makeup, fixing hair, and getting ready for a fun photo shoot! #
  • 16:53 Just got done shooting very fun (softcore) video and photos. Very big and bouncy! #
  • 17:11 Time for dinner: shrimpy lemony cous cous and steamed broccoli . . . plus some television. #
  • 20:05 Why don’t the manufacturers of exercise balls know how to properly measure a sphere? #
  • 22:40 New blog entry on rewarding myself with booby doll: tinyurl.com/4x5tll #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter