• 11:23 Dreamt about getting a pap smear, scary neighbors, & confusion over how old my former piano students are now. Not in 8th grade anymore? God! #
  • 12:20 Bounced on balance ball while having my tea and luna bar. Settling in to improve the layout & features on our spycam page today. #
  • 12:26 Oooh, guess what all that bouncing made me need to do? BESIDES fart, that is . . . #
  • 13:01 Getting over-ambitious with thoughts of new graphics/design is getting in the way of accomplishing function/layout first. #
  • 13:39 Woops I just got distracted and found myself here: tinyurl.com/6k6mec #
  • 13:55 Going to capture some video and try to regroup. #
  • 15:28 Delia’s getting ready for me to "shoot" her. Better her than me! My double-chin has grown ginormous. I like taking pictures, though. #
  • 16:45 Just added new galleries & hmmm . . . a whole lot of fisting going on in my free porn sidebar: trixie.com/ #
  • 19:05 Downloading pics from camera of Delia. Had some dinner which we ate (gasp) AT THE TABLE instead of in bed. What a novel concept! #
  • 21:49 Just shot some behind the scenes footage of a panty explosion! Only not quite as exciting as it sounds, though it was super fun. #
  • 21:52 AVN: nominations for awards no one’s heard of isn’t "breaking news". Breaking news would be "porn valley has ebola! AIM upgrades tests!" #
  • 23:18 We just measured each other’s hips, waists, chests, and necks. I am a voluptuous 39-31-37. Not counting low-hanging apron of fat. #
  • 23:27 Which means according to this www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14483512/ I am fucked. But I already knew that. #
  • 23:36 It’s time for a bedtime snack and some shuteye. Have to wake up earlier than usual tomorrow and put on real clothes/look presentable. #
  • 23:51 FUCK my waist-to-hip ratio! We’re going to the store for midnight salt ‘n vinegar chips! Yeah!!!! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter