• 08:44 Can I stop dreaming about midgets, dwarves, toy-sized people, etc.? It’s becoming a bizarre trend. #
  • 10:40 Trying to write a story for JellyRollJane. Fantasizing about a soundproof WebWhoreHQ, a bigger hot water heater & nicer bathrooms. #
  • 11:39 Just masturbated to take the edge off; I have ten shitloads of things I’ve started & struggle to finish (before starting MORE stuff). Sigh. #
  • 12:58 Doodled on the keyboard, plugged in with newly-extended headphones. Wrote to mom. Paralyzed self with attempts at prioritizing. Now lunch. #
  • 13:13 What would YOU do if a sharp little metal shaving from a botched can opening fell into your refried beans & rotel? Throw batch away? Eat? #
  • 16:29 Took a bath. Working on chubby site project. I know it’s not a high priority, but it’s fun & I could use the money/am curious how it’ll do. #
  • 17:16 Accomplishing things, but SLOWLY. I’ve been really exhausted/super-sensitive to air, noise, interruption, etc. lately (more than usual even) #
  • 17:29 Glargh. Just noticed a format fuck-up on one of my blogs. Small things like this WEIGH me down. Hate wasting time fixing dumb shit like that #
  • 18:54 This post from Heather Corinna is so good I almost had an anxiety attack reading it: tinyurl.com/5hdvlp #
  • 18:55 Need to log out parlour cam to make connection speedier for Delia’s show starting in 5 minutes. #
  • 21:53 Blog entry about being an Obama delegate yesterday: tinyurl.com/55zvmv #
  • 22:58 Buy an abortion & I’ll give you some porn: tinyurl.com/5ptg4y #
  • 23:52 100 blog edits later, I am ready to take out my contacts and get to bed. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter