My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:52 I’m out of luna bars & have checks to cash. I guess this means I need to brush my hair & go outside. Or at least find a hat. #
  • 11:18 Breslin’s SATC piece is pretty good: except for suggesting that sex isn’t "real" if it’s not extreme porno sex. #
  • 12:12 Umm, did I forget to mention this video of me showing off my period chunks? #
  • 12:17 I’m WAY overdue for breakfast. Got totally sidetracked with period posts on other sites which I’ll (try to) blog about later. #
  • 14:19 Nymphobrainiac members: posted a *possible* private show solution, not sure if it would be worth the hassle but check the board for link. #
  • 16:05 Researching simple/turnkey private cam solution for indie webwhores that’s better than the usual white label corporate plugins. #
  • 18:57 Took a shower & made mistake of looking at a porn site reviewer who writes the STUPIDEST SHIT about people’s sites. Ugh. #
  • 20:22 We’re going to have SEX now. Ballroom cam, babies! My thighs are killing me from doing squats & lunges yesterday though. #
  • 21:01 Nice! That was some hot and silly sex. #
  • 23:30 Watching The Golden Compass & crying with love for the characters in spite of the fast-forward speed of the story being told in overdrive. #
  • 01:09 Dark chocolate before bed never fails to light a fire under my lazy ass. Going to put on some dorky music and maybe houseclean. #
  • 01:21 I have to try to settle down because honey is weary and tired after all that juice she pumped into me. #
  • 01:33 Red flag for fraudulent porn site signup: someone who wants me to believe his last name on credit card is "Master", first name "Daddy". #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:03 Had a dream 1 of my cam customers saw me on the street & was torn between thoughts of his wife & desire for me. I toyed with him. #
  • 09:28 My body is telling me it wants another hour of sleep. #
  • 11:02 Nice! Book time & half hour of sleep fixed me up perfectly. Now, to attack work without worrying about how much I *won’t* be able to finish. #
  • 12:55 It seems that I’ve worked up an appetite just by lighting candles, listening to new age music, and partially planning my day. #
  • 14:24 My rant against ageist jokes: #
  • 15:49 Going to try to exercise for an hour, then back to the project I’m working on which is delightfully mindless at this stage. #
  • 17:12 Annoying exercise thing didn’t say weights would be required! Fortunately (or unfortunately) I’m such a pussy that soup cans were enough. #
  • 17:25 Ogsooooooo hungry um. #
  • 18:31 I’ve decided that the exercise I did both GAVE me a huge appetite and JUSTIFIES me in satisfying it. Watching So You Think You Can Dance. #
  • 20:20 Oh god, the government is at it again with their bullshit obscenity crap: Fucking shitholes. #
  • 20:30 Oh God, FUCK me, "Make Like Paper" by Red House Painters is just the most gut-wrenchhingly hot, sad, beautiful song ever. #
  • 22:11 Just wrote and sent out a newsletter to current & former members of my site. It’s been a couple of years since I sent one, which is silly. #
  • 23:22 I’m so book crazy right now. Like, fantasizing about restructuring my whole life to revolve around reading for pleasure. Ever feel that way? #
  • 23:45 It’s time for book. I mean, it’s time for bed. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:51 Woke up depressed: hated saying goodbye to nephew, hard time with fertility problems, & another issue I don’t want to talk about. #
  • 11:22 Wrote up another small tutorial for sister & bro-in-law, this time for photoshop. Sick of living hours away from them. Must work harder. #
  • 13:21 Sigh of relief. Major (for me) issue taken care of. Now: fun/hard to choose which awesome gift book to bring to bed b4 sleep catch-up/nap. #
  • 13:54 Just took call to renew/pay for Delia’s sperm storage. It’s weird feeling, seeing the paperwork willing the sperm to me if she dies. #
  • 14:54 Been doing a variety of things instead of nap/read. Tiny thing: enjoying the "World Sunlight Map" gadget for iGoogle. #
  • 15:07 Technically I am a mobile person capable of . . . ummm, mobility and stuff. But unofficially I’m paralyzed & have been for past hour or 2. #
  • 16:07 OMG: just began reading _Snow Crash_ & am in LOVE! Funny, smart, richly-detailed, slick. THANK YOU, you who sent it to me! #
  • 17:18 I guess we’re about to watch . . . hockey. ???? #
  • 20:02 This world sunlight map is just so fucking cool! Seriously! Thinking of adding to our spycam page. #
  • 20:03 It’s silly, but hockey is even more fun (for me) to watch knowing Delia went to college/had a class with one of the Red Wings players. #
  • 22:26 Adjusted our members-only main spycam page & added local cams. I like it, but think it might be a little dangerous. #
  • 22:33 The siren songs of Delia’s tortilla soup and "So You Think You Can Dance" call to me after my evening website-fiddling. #
  • 00:19 More gushing about the World Sunlight Map & why it appeals to me: #
  • 00:34 Rock the fuck on! My blog has a google page rank of 5 now. Looks like a lot of people I like have gotten a bump up, too. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:25 Getting ready to go visit my sister & nephew (miss him so much). Will be gone all day. #
  • 10:19 Having relatively mild (but intolerable) anxiety issues. About driving, about imagining nephew hit by car, about being away from Delia. Dumb #
  • 10:54 Selected spa reading and put on some BPAL "Horn of Plenty" perfume (my fave). Need to stop being a shut-in weirdo now. #
  • 01:30 Just got home. Super tired and hungry, but my skin has been scrubbed to angelic softness. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 08:58 Yesterday was perfectly sunny. In the middle of the night it switched to perfectly rainy with our windows open. It’s beautiful outside. #
  • 09:13 Woops. I forgot that today’s a holiday so no checks or mail. Makes me triply happy it’s raining on people’s 3 day weekend, bwahahaha! >:D #
  • 11:16 I needed a wee bit more sleep after breakfast with Mike Hammer so I took fifty minutes of shuteye. If only there was a diner next door . . . #
  • 11:34 Editing pics, listening to Cowboy Junkies "200 More Miles" cd. #
  • 13:57 Posted a memory-laden update for members. Nothing hardcore, but intimate nonetheless. #
  • 15:09 Had nice soup lunch & started watching old movie "She Played with Fire". Opening sequence like 9th Gate #
  • 16:18 Made a generic 404 error page and am uploading to all of our sites that don’t have one. Have been throwing traffic away for years. #
  • 17:22 I am developing a morbid curiosity about late miscarriages & what policy is on taking care of the body if delivered in hospital. #
  • 18:10 Filling out patient info for new dr I have to go to. Religion? Frigidity? For real, you have a box I get to check for frigidity? Tempted. #
  • 19:07 Paid some bills & did some budgeting, now I’m taking care of a few emails while Delia does her show. #
  • 22:02 Had some dinner and started watching Entourage. I have had a crush on Jeremy Piven forever. He’d look so much hotter balder, though. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:52 It was SO HARD to turn my little booklight off last night in the middle of _Fingersmith_. Now that I’m awake I can pick it up again! #
  • 13:27 My nude sunbath became a comedy of errors as screen kept falling on my head, interrupting my wonderful book. #
  • 15:45 Almost done reading Fingersmith: you canNOT get 1/3 through that book without plowing straight through to the end. #
  • 16:39 Recovering from the perfection of Fingersmith now. PERFECTION. Now have headache & mourning no more Sarah Waters left for me to read. #
  • 18:50 Woke w/caution from my nap trying to escape headache. If I just don’t move too much . . . anyway, time for some grub. #
  • 20:58 Scanning some more photos for members. It’s so retro of me! #
  • 21:14 Oh man. I have sour grapes right now seeing that a certain TALENTLESS, inexperienced, inept GWC has attained some success. RETCH! #
  • 21:18 I’m jealous. I could do so much more with a studio, fancy cam & contract than these boneheads. Having ugly feelings right now. Kicking self. #
  • 21:46 Step it up, Trixie. STEP IT UP. #
  • 21:55 Frustration = members who email me with billing issues, cancel requests, etc. and their email addresses don’t work. #
  • 23:03 Oooooooooooooohhhh — I just had the most satisfying bowel movement. I feel like I just lost ten pounds. #
  • 23:39 Looking at pre-porn photos of myself I’m again astounded I wound up in a job that relies upon physical appearance since I care so little. #
  • 00:27 Uploading a couple photo galleries for members that I’ll post tomorrow. Think I’ll get ready for bed now. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 09:25 WTF?! Dreamt of sex w/David Cook b4 he won Idol, then after too & I really liked him. Torn bc I badly wanted to blog about the sex tho wrong #
  • 09:51 Going to try not to eat refined sugar today. Main challenge is my morning tea, but Good Earth solves that problem. #
  • 12:42 Getting ready for show starting in 17 minutes. It’s a string & anal day. Waiting to take clomid til after bc of headache & nausea potential. #
  • 15:30 Going to have some Green & Black Cherry (dark choc w/cherry) for an afternoon pick-me up with some Mickey Spillane. #
  • 17:12 The dark chocolate put me to sleep. Now awake, prepping for next show in which I might just sort of . . . nap some more. No? Grumble. #
  • 17:56 Buena Vista Social Club playing & wearing new BPAL perfume oil called "Plunder" for show starting in 4 minutes. #
  • 20:13 Devoured perfectly grilled (by Delia) steak & sausage while reading I, The Jury. Now noting Sarah Waters book recs #
  • 21:22 Scanning photos and surfing/sampling new age music. Yes, a cd named "Alien Encounters" sounds promising to me. Purchase track . . . #
  • 22:57 I do believe it’s time for bed. Shall I bring a sausage with me for a bedtime snack? #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:44 I need some breakfast! For reals! #
  • 11:25 My favorite thing about exercise is the way it makes my poops so much better. Going to enjoy one now. #
  • 12:38 Announcing hyperchat week (after wrestling w/laggy blogger far too long): Blogger & Twitter need to step it up. #
  • 13:35 I guess I need some lunch & to take my second dose of Clomid. Doesn’t say to take on full stomach, but if nausea is a side effect . . . #
  • 16:23 I have twitgrrrrr over downtime. Anyhoo, going to have some dinner & maybe a nap. Exercise & period wearing me out. #
  • 17:44 Burned a cd full of inspiration for tomorrow’s webcam masturbation shows. Sad I had to nix "Open Your Legs" because it’s too loud & rowdy. #
  • 17:45 Oooh — squeee!! Surprise gift from fan of book I was dying for (& have been meaning to blog about because it concerns object of worship). #
  • 19:04 Woops, after getting off phone with wanker my imagination and sense of humour are totally off the rails; my apologies! Gunz R hawt tho! #
  • 19:52 Investigating an "affiliate" who’s posing as Delia posting slideshows of her on youtube with his (not Delia’s) URL on them. Sigh. #
  • 19:55 Oh well. I looked up his stats and as long as the dude’s sending us sales, what do I care? It’s a good ploy even if I disapprove of method. #
  • 20:47 I wish I didn’t already feel like eating again and falling fast asleep. Going to wash some of my accumulated bedside dishes. I’m a slob. #
  • 21:36 Researching royalty costs for cover songs downloaded via web. Interesting stuff. #
  • 22:25 Legs sore from dorky exercise thingy I tried to follow along with on the television today. Kitchen cam showed my replay while warming chili. #
  • 23:51 Ah, great channel surf to TCM showing Sugar Hill. Black on white catfights & feeding white trash to the pigs rock. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:00 First thing on the agenda: reprocessing 2 formats of video from last week’s update. Need to log out webwhorehq cam for that. #
  • 11:50 Excited about refreshing goals and making new plans. Uploading fixed vids. ATTACKING to-do list with vigor. #
  • 12:16 Adding a bunch of chat sessions & fun events to our google calendar for first week of June. #
  • 13:32 Bought & installed so I won’t have to rely on 3rd parties to host flash stuff. Fiddling with it now. #
  • 14:16 Hmmmm . . . what to have for lunch. Cereal? Or did I eat the whole box yesterday . . . #
  • 15:26 Reading storage (hard drive) reviews. #
  • 15:49 Took my first dose of clomid (fertility drug). It’s time for a shower. #
  • 17:35 Blue screen of death while I’m trying to download music for a new inspiringly sexy & rowdy show mix. #
  • 18:11 Going out for some fresh air. #
  • 19:00 Home again and hungry. Sweaty, too. Getting ready for dinner (which means I sit and/or jump around while Delia prepares dinner). #
  • 19:57 Dinner was delicious! an avocado, cucumber, etc. salad and smoked salmon. Now delighting in reading a confessional email from member. #
  • 20:59 Screaming & swearing at technical problem that I can feel in my GROIN, it’s so annoying. Another blog entry FOILED by tech glitch. #
  • 21:14 I’m sleepy as hell; going to pick it back up tomorrow. #
  • 21:29 Cool site of the night: (big beautiful pin-ups) #
  • 21:59 Did some stretching and took a call from my sister who is just finding her way around blogger. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:01 Bad dreams all night long. Dying grandma, swimming underwater trapped by ice above, freaky old houses, etc. Some nice antique dresses though #
  • 10:47 About to put on a scarf. I detest the feeling of air on my neck and shoulders right now. Too early for air to touch me! #
  • 11:35 Taking a break from email to do some exercise. Looking dorky on parlour cam if you’re interested, members. #
  • 12:21 GRRRRACK! I don’t know WHY my desk cam on housecamz keeps freezing, multiple times a day. I don’t have time to fuck w/this shit. #
  • 12:21 Just took a bath and was going to put on lotion but feel I need to reset machine so EVERY camsite sees me. Retarded. My skin is parched! #
  • 12:43 Whatever. That cam is dead to me. DEAD! Need a replacement. Angry at myself that this makes me feel like SCREAMING. #
  • 12:48 I need to make an appointment for pap smear. Complicated by insurance & fertility quest. Annoyed I’m not covered to go to the doctor I love. #
  • 13:49 About to cry. Our health care system is SO GREAT I have to wait 4 weeks+ to get a pap smear & have a new patient visit first. Thanks, ins.! #
  • 15:25 Got one interview-by-email done and am working on a blog entry responding to another email. Having some publishing problems. #
  • 15:47 Observations on pregnant pussy flavor from a fan: #
  • 15:51 So done with email. Cleared out a grand total of five from inbox, but that’s just going to have to be enough for today. #
  • 17:32 Okay, replied to one more email. Because it’s the only person who’s admitted to liking my most violent video work. #
  • 17:51 Trying to get substandard webcam driver installed as temporary replacement for the dead cam I pulled today. #
  • 18:03 Temporary new WebWhoreHQ cam view in place for HouseCamz. Nearing dinnertime. I’m taking a break to play LOTR on PS2. #
  • 18:29 Twitter’s downage/slowness makes it look like my sites aren’t loading/interrupts page load. Don’t want to redesign just for that. Twitshit. #
  • 23:20 Wow – Am Idol finale was totally worth watching: really some worthwhile bits this season. Yay George Michael! Yay Davids in underwear! #
  • 23:37 Fucking hell. Driver for temp cam or Firefox update SCREWED UP our most important cam. Have to roll some shit back. WASTE OF MY TIME. #
  • 00:29 OMG — how awesome are these webcams? #
  • 01:14 Couldn’t resist buying a couple more functional, cute, inexpensive webcams. Can’t wait to get them! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

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