- 09:30 We just woke up and made our bed. That’s something you don’t see around here too often. #
- 11:24 Working on a story. #
- 12:38 Man . . . why do I have to poop AGAIN? #
- 16:25 Took a time-out for a couple of orgasms. One to this hysterical video: tastytrixie.rude.com/v/DX1V35rRLM7 #
- 18:48 Why do I insist upon making things more difficult than they need to be? #
- 20:48 Why the fuck would they tell the world that a dead teacher was a member of a sex website? www.komoradio.com/news/local/18356494.html #
- 21:40 On phone with hosting company since our sites seem to be down. Not happy, especially when they tell me to do a traceroute before I call. #
- 21:41 If any of you noticed downtime tonight on any one of our sites, around 9:30 pacific, please let me know. #
- 22:47 Where are these huge fucking spiders coming from?? This is spring, not fall! Gahhh! Screaming on tiptoes!!! #
- 02:21 Good new/old tunes on the ipod equal GREAT fucking — goodnight and thank you jesus for cum. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter