• 10:44 I need some breakfast! For reals! #
  • 11:25 My favorite thing about exercise is the way it makes my poops so much better. Going to enjoy one now. #
  • 12:38 Announcing hyperchat week (after wrestling w/laggy blogger far too long): tinyurl.com/4tqhby Blogger & Twitter need to step it up. #
  • 13:35 I guess I need some lunch & to take my second dose of Clomid. Doesn’t say to take on full stomach, but if nausea is a side effect . . . #
  • 16:23 I have twitgrrrrr over downtime. Anyhoo, going to have some dinner & maybe a nap. Exercise & period wearing me out. #
  • 17:44 Burned a cd full of inspiration for tomorrow’s webcam masturbation shows. Sad I had to nix "Open Your Legs" because it’s too loud & rowdy. #
  • 17:45 Oooh — squeee!! Surprise gift from fan of book I was dying for (& have been meaning to blog about because it concerns object of worship). #
  • 19:04 Woops, after getting off phone with wanker my imagination and sense of humour are totally off the rails; my apologies! Gunz R hawt tho! #
  • 19:52 Investigating an "affiliate" who’s posing as Delia posting slideshows of her on youtube with his (not Delia’s) URL on them. Sigh. #
  • 19:55 Oh well. I looked up his stats and as long as the dude’s sending us sales, what do I care? It’s a good ploy even if I disapprove of method. #
  • 20:47 I wish I didn’t already feel like eating again and falling fast asleep. Going to wash some of my accumulated bedside dishes. I’m a slob. #
  • 21:36 Researching royalty costs for cover songs downloaded via web. cdbaby.net/dd?f=8 Interesting stuff. #
  • 22:25 Legs sore from dorky exercise thingy I tried to follow along with on the television today. Kitchen cam showed my replay while warming chili. #
  • 23:51 Ah, great channel surf to TCM showing Sugar Hill. Black on white catfights & feeding white trash to the pigs rock. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter