- 09:51 Woke up depressed: hated saying goodbye to nephew, hard time with fertility problems, & another issue I don’t want to talk about. #
- 11:22 Wrote up another small tutorial for sister & bro-in-law, this time for photoshop. Sick of living hours away from them. Must work harder. #
- 13:21 Sigh of relief. Major (for me) issue taken care of. Now: fun/hard to choose which awesome gift book to bring to bed b4 sleep catch-up/nap. #
- 13:54 Just took call to renew/pay for Delia’s sperm storage. It’s weird feeling, seeing the paperwork willing the sperm to me if she dies. #
- 14:54 Been doing a variety of things instead of nap/read. Tiny thing: enjoying the "World Sunlight Map" gadget for iGoogle. #
- 15:07 Technically I am a mobile person capable of . . . ummm, mobility and stuff. But unofficially I’m paralyzed & have been for past hour or 2. #
- 16:07 OMG: just began reading _Snow Crash_ & am in LOVE! Funny, smart, richly-detailed, slick. THANK YOU, you who sent it to me! #
- 17:18 I guess we’re about to watch . . . hockey. ???? #
- 20:02 This world sunlight map is just so fucking cool! Seriously! www.die.net/earth/ Thinking of adding to our spycam page. #
- 20:03 It’s silly, but hockey is even more fun (for me) to watch knowing Delia went to college/had a class with one of the Red Wings players. #
- 22:26 Adjusted our members-only main spycam page & added local cams. I like it, but think it might be a little dangerous. #
- 22:33 The siren songs of Delia’s tortilla soup and "So You Think You Can Dance" call to me after my evening website-fiddling. #
- 00:19 More gushing about the World Sunlight Map & why it appeals to me: tinyurl.com/4yyag4 #
- 00:34 Rock the fuck on! My blog has a google page rank of 5 now. Looks like a lot of people I like have gotten a bump up, too. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter