• 08:40 Yikes; starting the day down two hours of sleep which for me usually spells trouble. Chat in 20 minutes. If no one comes, I’m sleeping. #
  • 11:05 Hanging in chat for a few more minutes, printing out my credit report which I haven’t attacked in 2 years. #
  • 13:16 Online credit dispute only allows 120 characters to explain. Even Twitter gives 140! That isn’t enough to contest something, but we’ll see. #
  • 14:02 oops — I got too excited about plugging in my new usb hub / mood lamp and crashed my cam. Try again, Trix! #
  • 14:56 I had to move my members-only news flash session from tonight to tomorrow night due to extreme fatigue. My mouth tastes like coins. #
  • 14:58 A couple of new cams came so my desk cam on housecamz is back up. Waiting for other to arrive to decide what to do with each of them. #
  • 17:54 I had to take a little nap. My mouth still tastes like metal after washing, brushing & eating. Afraid Hong Kong cams were poisoned/toxic. #
  • 18:12 Comparing my clomid prescription to other people’s. Why do these bitches get 150 mg and I only have 50 mg? Goddamn it, I cannot wait. #
  • 19:12 Going to take a bath, absorb some cum, and get some sleep. #
  • 20:04 Damn . . . how come I’m so exhausticated? #
  • 20:11 Most recent conception trick read:insert Instead cup after sex to keep the cum IN & swirling around cervix. Cup now planted on nightstand. #
  • 20:17 Rather than News Flash tomorrow night I’ve scheduled Stanley Cup chat if anyone feels like hanging out while watching Game 6. #
  • 20:19 RE: Obama; I’ve been excited leading up to this, but now I’m tense anticipating the potential ugliness. If we thought Hils was bad . . . #
  • 21:01 Ugh. WHY do I delude myself into thinking it’s possible to have a rational discussion on porn pimp boards? I guess for the traffic. #
  • 22:05 Yum: best aromatic combo of Skin Trip lotion, Delia’s spicy scent, and SEX. That is the smell of us, of home, to me. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter