• 10:10 Been awake for an hour now doing promo stuff. I have a couple of shows scheduled today so … I have a lot of dildos to sterilize first. #
  • 10:23 Oops; forgot to put my SCC show back on schedule after being gone last week til just now. Hope I got it up in time. #
  • 11:15 Now I feel like I need to make a dozen good blog posts to bury one brain-fried bad one. Hate that. My bizarreness is not what it looks like! #
  • 14:15 Trying to jot down some of the kinky things I was thinking about while masturbating during my show. Also, sleepy. #
  • 14:58 Exercised self-control in substituting 16 fat grams of top ramen w/plain egg noodles & bragg’s. Does that mean I can have 2nd helping? YES! #
  • 15:05 Uh-oh . . . power flickering and Delia has a show in an hour . . . hope we don’t lose juice. #
  • 15:13 Is that thunder or bombs being dropped in the distance? Or Paul Bunyon’s muscle car of the gods engine being revved? #
  • 18:30 Compiling a list for members to see how many people I’ve had sexual relations with. #
  • 19:22 I seriously despise reading my old blog entries (finding info for the list). HATE them. I need a break from the computer before my show. #
  • 00:25 Whenever one of my sites, blogs, etc gains the attention of someone I want to impress, I surf myself trying to imagine how they perceive me. #
  • 00:25 Embarrassing, self-conscious, self-centered confession: #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter