• 08:30 I’m awake, and that’s all I have to say about that. Today is show day. My period still hasn’t started but I’m 99% sure I’m not pregnant. #
  • 08:42 Gahhhhh! So tired of being constipated the past few days; can barely squeeze out pellets and little round turdlets. VERY unsatisfying. #
  • 09:33 Had some breakfast; now it’s time to tidy up WebWhore Headquarters. #
  • 10:10 Either someone’s trying to hack into my bank account or some dumb bitch with same name as mine doesn’t know it’s not her username. Tis MINE! #
  • 10:18 Rock on! Who do I have to thank for letting me finally have a worthwhile bowel movement? I feel ten pounds lighter. OK! Maybe seven! #
  • 11:18 Nice. 4 once I try to respond to a fan’s email & when I try to send it? I get some error message like "reject content". Agh! Stymied again! #
  • 11:38 Wrote & sent out a newsletter to my members, past & present. If you’re not one but want to read it, it’s here: tinyurl.com/5xfwk6 #
  • 11:45 I have to get ready for a show, but I sure am hungry . . . need to eat or I’ll get a headache, making orgasm difficult/painful. #
  • 14:23 Sleepy, a little hungry, and otherwise feeling pleasant post-show/orgasm. #
  • 14:25 Somebody remind me tomorrow that I need to make the necessary calls & appointments to go back on Ritalin. NEED to. #
  • 14:27 But now I need to get up from the computer & stop staring, mesmerized by images of my own ass on my monitor. #
  • 14:31 Delia’s only on her 3rd day of hormones & OH MY GOD, her nipples are already changing & it’s making me CRAZY HORNY! #
  • 16:21 Sorry folks; I cannot seem to reply to email today. Getting errors. Will call tomorrow (making 3 annoying tech phone calls I have to make). #
  • 16:27 Sometimes I love our dog so much it makes me cry. Or maybe that’s just pms. Also, I hate stepping on snails. Rain makes it hard to avoid. #
  • 18:55 Read Delia’s exciting news here: tinyurl.com/6ejl7b #
  • 19:16 ATTN: "ANCHOR" – getting errors when I try to send email but will try to give advice after show; might be too tired though. #
  • 19:23 Disappointed: just realized my rechargeable vibe wasn’t charging since charger was unplugged. Was looking forward to that in show . . . #
  • 20:05 Feeling totally exhausted, but the good news is that my vibrating dildo is charged enough to vibrate (for how long, I don’t know). #
  • 20:28 Going to wear a somewhat frumpy ultra-feminine nightgown for my show. With pleats above bust. For that GIGANTIC look. #
  • 20:50 Feeling inspired to put on a totally bizarre, oddball "show", but hate to do that without taping it/not enough time to clean heads/load tape #
  • 23:36 I cannot get enough Mad Men. Oh, Peggy . . . sweet, smart, striving Peggy. I cry inside and out for you. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter