• 12:04 Brrr!! It’s starting to get pretty cold in the house. Going to take a hot bath & shave now to get ready for my show in an hour. #
  • 13:02 It’s showtime! Looking forward to it more than I was earlier today. #
  • 14:26 I need to eat lunch. I know I also need to exercise, but have no energy or willpower for it. Just want to hide in a a velvet-coated cave. #
  • 17:49 So many dream orgasms, plus me looking at self in mirror exclaiming, "I think I look *good* w/a mustache!" It was blond & Capt. Kangarooish. #
  • 19:03 Ack! Didn’t have all of my form notifications correct so was unaware how many members are requesting access to BloodyTrixie.com lately. #
  • 20:00 Damn, I feel like I could work all night. LOVING it. Won’t be able to because I have to interrupt my yummy geek work with a show in an hour. #
  • 20:15 The color of my period blood this cycle was: tinyurl.com/4rakqe #
  • 20:53 In a perfect world I’d be sitting down to take a nice, leisurely dump right now. Instead I’m about to start a show. Hold it or force it? #
  • 23:43 Had a pleasant webcam show; saved my orgasm for the end, when "Wish You Were Here" started playing. Getting ready for bedtime snack. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter