• 08:46 By this time yesterday our dog had been in & out 50 times, but today, because it’s raining, she doesn’t want to come back inside at all. #
  • 09:16 It’s very strange, being at home but unable to check my email first thing in the morning. #
  • 11:06 Been checking some of our stats (something I rarely do) with breakfast. Now getting ready for a meeting & buying the cable we need. #
  • 14:37 Lunch: the time when I finally get up & stop deluding myself that simply STARING at the computer screen is going to make me rich. #
  • 16:40 Happy that our local computer shop had the cable we needed in their back room. Partitioning hard drive now. 2 more machines to go (later). #
  • 17:21 Shot some gloomy, rainy photos & am now reviewing camera manual to, you know, LEARN something while waiting to move stuff around on machine. #
  • 18:54 I need to make myself some flash cards or something. #
  • 23:56 I just posted some photos & music I’ve been listening to: tinyurl.com/5op5uz #
  • 00:42 Was going to upload some movies to our clips4sale store, but can’t seem to connect. Wonder if they’ve changed things yet again . . . #
  • 00:43 Going to have some noodlies and LA Ink in bed before we drop into dreamland. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter