• 09:53 Attempting to stay away from computer (except for check of cams, email) in mornings until I’m done eating & exercising & am ready to work. #
  • 10:00 Cute. I just left my computer in one room, only to go sit down at the computer in our bedroom. #
  • 10:29 Listened to one of my fave songs during bfast, Lou Reed’s "Coney Island Baby". LOLd @"just remember different people have peculiar tastes!" #
  • 11:09 My sister just called w/the results of her ultrasound: we’ll have *another nephew* in May! #
  • 13:11 My legs are heavy, magnetized-to-the-earth poles after half-assed workout. Time for a hot shower full of scrubby things that smell like yum. #
  • 13:55 Ooooh, I’ve got voicemail from TWO girlfriends! #
  • 16:29 God, AVN. What time warp are you in / planet are you on that you post the nominations in nothing but a .pdf on your site? #
  • 17:22 Having some frustrating technical difficulties building promos; will try not to make you suck on my bitch-tweets. #
  • 18:20 OK. That reinstall accomplished exactly ZERO. I’m having the same problems I have before w/Dreamweaver moving super slowly. #
  • 18:38 Have you ever tried to use a mouse to push your cursor through cement? Because that’s what I’m dealing with. It’s bizarre & makes me cry. #
  • 18:54 Going to have some dinner and take a few deep breaths. #
  • 21:24 This has been a very frustrating evening. Could barely start, let alone finish, promo page. Really need to make these promos. Not good. #
  • 21:43 Baby, is it making you hot listening to the sounds of my drives creaking and groaning as I do a scan? No? Me neither. #
  • 22:23 I feel almost as depressed as I did on Monday and my period still hasn’t started. Welcome to my hairy-faced world of endocrine disorder. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter