• 11:40 Awesome – massage therapist has a special going on; getting an hour of rubbies later today. I need it. Like the desert needs the rain, u no? #
  • 14:18 Been working on promos (yes, I’m as sick of me saying "promo" as you are), but now must bathe & stick in a tampon in prep for my massahhjjj. #
  • 19:44 Writing short blurb about uncomplicated fuck from years ago turning out complicated; trying to find details on floppy discs using old comp. #
  • 21:19 Laughing at old stuff I journaled in the 90’s: "so far no e-mail from him. Maybe my jpeg is not that cute." #
  • 21:45 I love the way greasy massage oil in my hair makes me smell like a dirty slut bum. #
  • 22:03 For some reason I’m afraid to wrap up any of the six things I’ve got ALMOST done right now. Should just go to bed & start over tomorrow. #
  • 23:45 Looking at old journals, I’m so fucking grateful to the universe for not giving me blogging during my teens and most of my twenties. #
  • 00:04 Diary quote, yr 2000: "I had a marvelous time fucking him but out of bed he’s bitchy & complains; I don’t want to hang out w/him in public." #
  • 00:47 I love how I can google old fuck friend I haven’t talked to in years (unrelated to last tweet) by typing in "first & last names" & "tekken". #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter