• 12:05 Woke up feeling skinny. Stayed up late bawling watching/hearing Alison Kraus & John Waite duet. Buying/downloading now. #
  • 12:06 Okay, nevermind. Not available to purchase. Ugh. #
  • 13:43 Made the perfect playlist for my upcoming show & got the blue screen of death during burn. Sigh. Trying to remember tracks/order. #
  • 14:29 Listening to some songs that kill me: "Sky" – Blue Rodeo, "Black Waters" – Laurie Lewis, & cover of "Hot Burrito No. 1" by Cowboy Junkies. #
  • 15:18 Had greasy tortillas for lunch. Getting ready for my show now. #
  • 16:16 I’ve had the worst string of luck with my Rude shows; today our main internet connection dropped out 1 minute after my show started. CRAZY! #
  • 17:25 Since we can’t work we’re going to take off for the suburbs and enjoy our evening eating greasy pork dong & watching Twilight. #
  • 02:32 Yay! Our power just came back on AND our cable (it was a "3rd party fiber cut") so trying to get all the cams logged back in. And heat on! #
  • 02:45 Going to blow out the millions-o-candles blazing in our bedroom now that power’s back. Might do slowly so we don’t smoke ourselves out. #
  • 03:09 Sigh. Did power surges kill one of our cams? I so do not want to ring in the new year with retarded technical troubleshooting crap. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter