• 10:03 Man, yesterday was not just a fluke; I feel great again, minutes after getting out of bed. Will wonders never cease? Going to enjoy bfast. #
  • 11:21 God only knows how much I love making giant poops, but suspense over whether or not our toilet has the power to whisk them away kills me. #
  • 11:27 Trying to decide what to do next: grocery shopping? Video editing? Stretching? Blogging? So many choices . . . #
  • 11:30 I think we need snackydoodles for the game. I really hope the Steelers fucking LOSE, but I’ll probably be disappointed. Mostly watching … #
  • 12:04 Delightful: Quorn products on sale! Not delightful: creepy neighbors’ friends sitting in front of our house smoking & staring in our windows #
  • 13:35 I’m not sure I agree with @DeliaCD that we’ll be the only people in the universe eating Dal Mix & sipping Chai while watching the #superbowl #
  • 13:45 It’s hard to compose an email reminding someone they haven’t yet billed you for your $425.95 a month payment. Should I feign ignorance? #
  • 14:29 Soon I’ll be popping in and out of our members-only chat while we watch the #superbowl – tinyurl.com/spyonus #
  • 15:13 #superbowl that anti-steroid commercial was the SUCK (which reminds me, there’s an anti-pot commercial out now that makes me want to SMOKE). #
  • 15:20 #superbowl I’d like to order one Samoan gang bang, population twelve (plus me, for thirteen). #
  • 15:25 #suberbowl OMG you JERKER of tears, Jennifer Hudson! Am I the only one who thought the ad for GI Joe looked like a Brazzers trailer at 1st? #
  • 16:55 #superbowl OMG — even rooting against Steelers that "longest play in superbowl history" was massively exciting to watch. He’s SPENT. #
  • 17:08 Yay!! #superbowl Let the halftime phallic symbols be a tradition! Thanks for showing us & gripping your long metal wang, Bruce! #
  • 17:18 #superbowl Singing glory days at halftime really makes me feel like this economic depression is real. Welcome to a new 1930’s. #
  • 17:21 And I mean that in the best, most bondingest-with-my-fellow-Americans way. Yeah fireworks & rock ‘n roll & high fiving has-beens! #
  • 17:28 People under thirty shouldn’t be allowed to comment on Bruce Springsteen. At all. Unless they are aware he’s an American Treasure. #
  • 17:32 And people who don’t grasp the connection between certain working class demographics and Bruce Springsteen should also remain mute. #
  • 17:45 Going to make sure not to watch late night tv tomorrow because I can’t STAND "old" people jokes. AARP, Bruce, geritol, etc. references suck. #
  • 18:27 @JaneBurgess Very true; what I meant is more a taste of the FEELING of being down & out. My grandparents were alive during great depression. #
  • 18:29 Actually, my dad was alive during the Great Depression, too. He was born in 1932. And now doesn’t hold a candle. But it might in 2 years. #
  • 19:02 #superbowl Well — that was exciting even if it didn’t turn out the way we hoped. #
  • 19:05 @DClaudeKatz But more people have a lot farther to fall. And other stuff. Are you trying to distract me from important things like Football? #
  • 19:58 I’m glad we don’t make TV sports-watching a regular part of our lives. Feel like I’ve wasted the whole day. #
  • 20:41 Wondering if there’s a fast way to import/format tweets from a certain timeframe if loudtwitter didn’t grab them. Want my "changes" logged. #
  • 21:35 Now that I’ve talked to my 2-year old nephew on the phone & heard him laughing I am massively happy. Time for a snack & bed. #
  • 21:59 I hope tomorrow I can figure out why blogger isn’t agreeing with ftp-ing; I have blog entries & pics to post, but it won’t let me upload. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter