• 09:26 I deserve a do-over on sleep since I wasted it dreaming about site design. The suck part is I didn’t even come up with any new ideas! #
  • 10:53 On hold w/phone co. again. Apparently someone has all my info & hijacked my ph#/had it ported out to a different co. Sigh. This is ugly. #
  • 11:03 @vinyl_mike Who is Mr. Peniston? What I don’t get is how someone has my SS# to do this, so makes me feel it’s a neighbor not some1 online. #
  • 15:49 The luddite attempts her first text message to Twitter. Did she succeed? #
  • 16:19 The very definition of bullshit is the fact that IT’S SNOWING RIGHT NOW. #
  • 18:54 twitpic.com/1p485 – The white shit is sticking! #
  • 19:41 We were going to go see The Wrestler tonight, but with the snow . . . bloogh. Can’t even watch tv because our DirecTV isn’t working. #
  • 19:48 Having a hard time getting anything done with this being the first day without a headache since . . . Thursday? Friday? Dunno. Very sleepy. #
  • 20:02 Phew! Our satellite reception came back JUST in the nick of time. For Idol, of course. If we can’t see The Wrestler, we CAN see Nick/Norman! #
  • 22:18 @catchwmw Get that guy out of the middle of I-5! Does your man on the streets have a death wish? Stop him if he tries to dress like a sailor #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter