• 10:19 My new mobile phone and wireless router do not play nice together. Lots of weird feedback noises. #
  • 10:22 The good news is that I’m looking forward to making this a super productive day. Starting with breakfast at my desk instead of in bed. #
  • 11:34 Getting email list updated so @DeliaCD can send out her five year site anniversary newsletter to past/current members. #
  • 13:52 Uploading some camshow archives for members & am about to get some exercise. Because my body is muy importante. #
  • 14:49 Feeling really bitchy about so much of my time being taken up by mundane bullshit. If I could just buy provisions & costumes to last a year! #
  • 15:47 Ahhhh . . . spending time outside petting the dog and plucking her excess floof/fur always calms me down about 25 notches. #
  • 16:16 What easy WYSISWG software are people using to build sites optimized for mobile devices? Porn-friendly, so NOT web-based please. #
  • 18:43 @_Wren_ Whoah!! Go to her site and you can figure out who she is yourself: www.isobelwren.com/ She’s great, IMO. #
  • 19:45 Singing, "My girlfriend makes me deviled eggs!" to the tune of "My Baby Takes the Morning Train". I *love* @DeliaCD’s eggies! #
  • 19:48 Now I’m going to take a bath. A *hot* bath. I need to close the door on the pottycam though to keep the heat inside the bathroom. #
  • 20:57 OMG — it’s amazing how quickly Tina Turner can put an 80’s synthesized whipcracky smile on my face. Better be good to me, INDEED! #
  • 21:00 Now we’re on to Tush . . . boring tasks (confirming TGP submissions) sometimes suck, but if you can do them with music it’s a huge bonus. #
  • 21:59 Need to unglue myself from desk in WebWhoreHeadquarters and head to bed . . . going to have bran cereal for a "treat". Hope it "moves" me. #
  • 23:23 Enjoyed some stretching and going to do some reading and try to get to sleep earlyish. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter