- 11:17 Feeling very anxious about money. Trying to take things as they come and not worry, just forge on. #
- 13:31 Totally f’d up of me, but I can’t handle the prospect of running a zillion errands by myself so I’m begging @DeliaCD to go with me. #
- 16:21 How is it that today is the first day I’ve experienced the pleasure of an electric toothbrush (on my teeth, not my clit)? #
- 17:31 Brewing ginger tea & picking stuff up/putting it away (ex. unpacking from the mini-trip we took last month). I know — I’m SO exciting! #
- 18:28 A blog entry I just posted noting a few anniversaries: tastytrixie.com/blog/2009/03/anniversaries.html #
- 19:13 Cool — my radio station host now offers widgets so I put that up on my members-only home page. Need to work on that radio thing . . . #
- 21:29 Spent some time playing piano badly. Then I got up and walked straight into our big easy chair. Sigh. Hope I don’t wind up with a bruise. #
- 21:51 Lately I’ve been deleting a lot of tweets. Usually they have something to do with my anus. #
- 22:16 Oh, YUM! @DeliaCD brought home some of the yummiest green salsa that we can’t get in town. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter