- 09:35 I totally want to curse the pileup of snow outside, but it *is* pretty and we (fortunately) don’t have to go anywhere so . . . yeah. Wacky. #
- 10:03 twitpic.com/1xotq – #
- 10:12 Why aren’t my texts accompanying my phone posts to twitpic? Grrrrr . . . arrrrgh. #
- 10:15 twitpic.com/1xp5l – #
- 11:20 After a week of squeezing out rabbit turds I finally dumped a giant log of poop. The bleeding will subside but the satisfaction will linger. #
- 11:37 Blog entry and self-indulgent pics of me (& my boobies) in the woods: tinyurl.com/arzsp6 #
- 11:39 My opinions on Twilight (the book AND the movie) and OTHER people’s opinions of Twilight: tastytrixie.com/blog/2009/03/twilight.html #
- 14:04 Phew! Just got in a bunch of cardio & stretching, about to eat lunch, then take a bath, then finish the update I promised members yesterday. #
- 14:08 I like to wallow in my sweat & let it dry on me before I bathe/shower it off. Feeling my muscles come down from exercise w/o watering down. #
- 16:22 Want to chip in to make me blonde? tinyurl.com/bcoeba I’ll send the highest contributor an autographed book or movie. #
- 17:11 Edited the "contest" so even small contributions will be entered into a drawing for a book or movie: tinyurl.com/bcoeba #
- 17:15 We are currently having the worst sales day I’ve seen since, like, 2002. #
- 17:23 Just ate a widget of ryecrisp topped with roast beef. I think I’m going to start calling all of my compact snacks, "widgets". #
- 17:47 twitpic.com/1y3pz – If I’m too broke to get blonde hair again, I’ll have to switch to THIS look. PERMANENTLY! #
- 17:48 twitpic.com/1y3rg – Don’t worry though; whatever happens, I’ll never lose my sparkling personality or sense of humour. #
- 17:59 @clubmix1996 She gets her hair like that by having crazy-ass, kinky, giant, curly hair naturally & finger-curling it strand-by-strand w/goo. #
- 18:09 Going to eat now that I finally got vlog & gallery posted for members; I kept needing to post connected blog entries 1st. Done … for now. #
- 19:49 Sweet old black girl dog came into our house so we did some traipsing around the neighborhood with her and found her back to her people. #
- 21:29 @BellaVendetta66 Grapes are bad for ALL dogs; can’t find the link off the bat, but google it. SCARY. #
- 21:34 Going to step away from the computer and stop thinking refreshing our stats over and over again is going to change how bad sales were today. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter