- 10:16 Surprisingly, we’ve adjusted to daylight savings time; woke up at 8:30, got our bills paid . . . ready to proceed with the day! #
- 11:28 Did my banking, picked up the community read book & now we’re going to do some stretching which I hope will keep away headaches. #
- 11:31 Aaaaaaaaaaaaand in news of complete and utter bullshit, it’s snowing again. Little tiny dry sting-your-eyes swirling frozen flakes. #
- 12:19 twitpic.com/1ym8v – Even our husky is starting to get sick of this snow. #
- 13:08 Feel noodly & delicious after cardio & stretching; heating up some chili to cuddle up with for lunch; it’s too damned cold out. #
- 14:09 Just downgraded our Directv package to the "cheap"est one. Performing our own TV intervention means no more WATCHING Intervention. Damn. #
- 14:39 @vancouverderek Oh god, I know – we love First 48, too! And I’m going to *die* not getting to see Mad Men season 3. But it’s for the best. #
- 14:50 Washing our bedding to welcome the almost and full moon into our bedroom this week & getting ready to buy something we need 4 shoot 2morrow. #
- 20:30 Edited down a white noise track so it will loop instead of annoyingly fading in and out every half hour while we’re sleeping. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter