• 10:42 Just deleted a tweet without posting it that made dirty business of some of my fave Mr. Rogers lyrics. Couldn’t commit that act o sacrilege. #
  • 10:49 The day is off to a great start: sunny, motivated, and I’m about to poop then exercise. After that, the world is my oyster. #
  • 11:15 Okay — so installing adobe air to use twhirl appears to be worth it. Thanks, all. Getting ready to take a walk . . . #
  • 11:21 WebWhoreBucks just got its first random job applicant. Or maybe it’s a cleverly disguised virus everyone’s getting. Can .docs do that? #
  • 13:09 Nice invigorating walk! I’ve got big underboob sweat marks on my t-shirt. Maybe I worked off part of yesterday’s ice cream cone? #
  • 14:11 Mmmmm . . . just enjoyed the most delicious lunch of apples & scrambled eggs & soaked up some much-needed vitamin D. #
  • 15:18 Agonizing over submitting sites for review, writing notes with CAPS POINTING OUT OUR SELLING POINTS. Can’t believe I’m hungry again. #
  • 16:41 I doubt taking a bath will help wake me up, but it needs to be done anyway. Tubtime! #
  • 17:45 Listening to Randy Newman singing "Lonely at the Top"; can anyone rec similar tunes? If so, I want. #
  • 18:20 Trying so hard not to bitch about the motherfucking cold, but godDAMN it’s so fucking COLD! Editing pics & shivering. #
  • 19:15 I’m really having a hard time resigning myself to being this chubby forever. This old & older? Sure! 10-15 pounds overweight? Not sure. #
  • 19:19 There are many things I love about being plump, I just can’t commit to NEVER being my slender self (with a pot belly) again. #
  • 22:18 Now that I’m enjoying a normal endocrine system, I just made a goal to lose 15 pounds by June 1st. Unless 10 looks/feels plenty good enough. #
  • 22:37 Getting ready to do some stretching with moonlight pouring in on us, then hit the sheets. #
  • 23:53 Trying not to let a couple of fraudulent transactions ruin my evening. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter