• 10:56 If you’re the kind of person who likes to maintain a dream journal or do anything in a leisurely way in the morning, DON’T GET A DOG! #
  • 10:57 Members only can chat with me in 5 hours/at 4 pm Pacific: tinyurl.com/spyonus #
  • 12:43 Throwing away what’s left of my birthday box of ding dongs. Exercised. Am constipated. When will the mail get here? #
  • 15:15 I just took my first dose of psyllium powder (w/Emergen-C & Water) to try to make better poops. So very WEARY of forcing out pellets. #
  • 15:32 Just bought 2-for-1 prints from my artist-friend as a late bday present to myself. Members only chat in 30 minutes! #
  • 17:47 Had a mellow chat with members. Now reading about "good" bokeh and "bad" bokeh (yeah — totally wtf? just learned the word "bokeh" myself). #
  • 19:33 Was that post-dinner nap totally necessary? Why YES . . . yes, it was. And it felt delicious! #
  • 19:52 Oh god, I’m SO excited about the MOVEMENT I feel 3+ hours after taking that fiber powder stuff. Will I need the plunger? Better than sex! #
  • 19:57 Sigh . . . nevermind. I totally jumped the gun. Just a few more hard rock pebbles. #
  • 20:29 LOL @ suggestion to buy VoIP-compatible electrons off eBay to sprinkle on equipment to fix skype call delays: is.gd/onB5 #
  • 21:12 Made our meal plan for the next five days and a grocery list — heading out to the store. Yes, our lives are TRES SEXY! #
  • 21:15 Dear PSOs (phone sex operators): does skype work for calling clients on landlines or is there a terrible delay? #
  • 22:30 To new cashier at grocery store: 1) don’t put 36 cans of food in ONE bag & 2) you can’t just fan out the money & expect it to count itself. #
  • 23:09 Considering making a separate twitter account for replying. So it doesn’t overwhelm my feed/microblog & ppl won’t hate my unresponsiveness. #
  • 23:18 My UK wanker is obsessed with March Madness. I’m guessing it has something to do with alpha males and spring fever. Going to find out . . . #
  • 00:10 Ahhhhh . . . the satisfaction of having drained my Wanker’s niteflirt account never grows old. Time for shredded wheat and Deep Space Nine. #
  • 00:15 On the verge of writing an extremely tasteless DM/reply to @JimAyson but don’t know him well enough to know if he’d laugh or unfollow. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter