• 11:34 Phew! Just finished that Mt. Rainier book in time for the meet-the-author thingy tonight. Need to get out of the house AND be prepared. #
  • 11:48 I might have to stop tweeting until I stop being such an ungodly bitch. Calls from my mom & sister today stressing me out. #
  • 12:42 My mom is trying to figure out how to tell HER mom/mygrandma that @DeliaCD is trans & my sister & nephew are making a surprise visit. CRAZY. #
  • 12:43 And our trials & tribulations with the phone co. are never-fucking ending. Makes me totally fucking insane. Hate my vulnerability to crazy. #
  • 12:46 YES, my life is awesome in a billion ways & my complaints are trivial, but for my pea-brain some of these irritations feel gigantornormous. #
  • 14:21 Ahhhh – walked to the most beautiful place in town (the paper mill); meditating upon the beauty of industrial pollution is like my church. #
  • 14:27 Thanks @bambidollface & @BellaVendetta66 for the magicjack.com testimonials — very helpful. #
  • 14:48 How do social people DO it? The time suck of WHERE do you want to eat, WHEN will you be here, etc. I don’t want to synch w/or wait 4 people. #
  • 15:35 Just had a total meltdown/temper tantrum/crybaby fit. People with REAL problems would want to kick my ass if they witnessed it. #
  • 16:37 Our bedroom cams are going to be cloaked & quiet for a little while or maybe the rest of the evening. Office cams remain up & at ’em! #
  • 19:40 Watched @DeliaCD’s Feb/March sample video on the tv — it’s . . . funny: www.deliacd.com/newsletter/FebMarch09/index.html #
  • 01:03 Awesome — ended the day on a positive note with a long conversation with my wanker. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter