- 11:24 Paperback book covers were so much cooler in the eighties. The people on them looked real and the letters were so . . . BUBBLY. #
- 12:26 About to stretch after cardio. Totally winded. I burped barf into my mouth. Other than that I feel GREAT! #
- 14:05 I need a 2nd bowl of greasy noodles to go with Gosford Park for lunch. I could watch a zillion times – best Clive next to Close My Eyes. #
- 17:05 Out of luna bars, my breakfast staple, so I need to go to the store now. YesyesYES . . . I’m a bore and a half. #
- 18:15 Had to call the people sitting around at the candle store INSISTING Ann Coulter is transsexual and tell them she’s not. #
- 20:02 Figuring out ensembles for upcoming/April hotel shoot(s). Need to order colorful stockings. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter