• 11:04 Grrrrr. RT @swopusa Girl who auctioned virginity on the Net tinyurl.com/r7jnj5 has to pay 50% of earnings as tax 4 prostitution. #
  • 13:35 Dear USPS: if you’re going to raise the cost of postage every other month, at least GIVE US SOME AWESOME STAMPS TO BUY! Wedding rings? BARF! #
  • 13:44 @amberlily Ah, I know — the Simpsons stamps don’t do it for me, though. I’d only be all over them if they had Mr. Burns and Moe (my faves). #
  • 14:21 Hesitating to email my mom to make sure she doesn’t give away my dad’s leather bound copy of Leaves of Grass. Sure to set off chain of BS. #
  • 00:24 Finally watched "Doubt". I’m not a huge Meryl Streep fan so it always surprises me how she suckers me into crying every time. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter