- 05:31 @redheadlust My other tweetanality? Let’s see, these are mostly for announcements: @spyonus @bloodytrixie etc. Is that what you meant? #
- 05:55 Okay . . . my brain hurts after staying up all night, but I LIKE IT! Haven’t uploaded the new music yet . . . that will have to wait. #
- 13:56 I love getting emails that start out with, "clearly, you are a genius." Even if they’re clearly saying it tongue in cheek. #
- 14:05 @Stewpot Perhaps if you’d said, "you have the nose of someone who is clearly a genius" it would’ve ranked up there with today’s email? 😉 #
- 14:08 FYI: I do *NOT* think I’m a genius. For real genius check @brentspiner / www.therealbrentspiner.com/ #
- 14:14 And just like that, we flipped the calendar to June and our house suddenly became indecently hot & sweaty. #
- 16:31 Oh god, Duane Eddy’s "Boss Guitar" is the grooviest joint EVER. #
- 00:26 I love having everything open in the house & experiencing the shift from sweaty afternoon heat to a perfectly cooled midnight. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter