• 01:39:15: tastytrixie: Ahhh . . . nothing like going to bed with a freshly charged-up booklight and a movie about sexually talented Scottish Mermen.
  • 10:40:42: tastytrixie: Correction to last night’s tweet: it’s a book, not a movie, about mermen: _The Selkie_ by Charles Sheffield.
  • 12:33:37: tastytrixie: Ate breakfast while browsing a cheap atlas. Now I’m doing a BANG-UP listicated job of working on the new site for @DeliaTS.
  • 15:04:40: tastytrixie: One wrong click, and my computer grinds to an annoyingly grumbly shuddering interrupting pause. Hate my wrong clicks.
  • 16:09:18: tastytrixie: I have a new huge justifiable complaint about our billing company, but am not sure if it’s worth getting formally, loudly pissed about it.
  • 16:10:03: tastytrixie: God, I am breaking out in hives I am so mad. It only caused problems THIS time for two members, but it really makes me angry.
  • 16:15:27: tastytrixie: Short version: they didn’t transfer non-recurring members logins & made it sound OPTIONAL for US to MANUALLY add them ourselves. Hello, CBs!
  • 16:33:53: tastytrixie: So I haven’t taken birth control pills the last couple of days and I think that’s part of why I’m getting massively irate about this.
  • 19:15:11: tastytrixie: http://twitpic.com/dkjol – About to call someone who has a “friend” who compulsively masturbates.
  • 19:16:23: tastytrixie: http://twitpic.com/dkjts – WTF: image not found? Is it the word I used?
  • 19:17:38: tastytrixie: http://twitpic.com/dkjol – Ugh! Apparently twitpic thinks if you use a sexy word, you must be posting a nudey pic. It’s here: http://twi
  • 21:12:28: tastytrixie: I really worked up an appetite talking to my wanker! Also, design for http://deliats.com is progressing in an acceptable manner today.
  • 22:12:52: tastytrixie: Going into Deep Space 9 I never thought the Ferengi-focused episodes would be my favorite but LOOK AT ME NOW!

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